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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. I found the No Man’s Sky tutorial confusing since it only gave me the very next step at a time to do tasks, and I kept trying to jump ahead, because I didn’t realize it was telling me what I needed. Do you prefer more or fewer steps listed at a time in a tutorial?
  2. I am amazed at the quality difference in audio and visuals between PS3 and PS4 versions of Dragon Age Inquisition. What other games dramatically improved between generations?
  3. The first time you play a new game, do you put it on the “normal/default” difficulty setting, or something else?
  4. I cannot stand games that make enemies difficult by making them bullet sponges. Killing them is just boring/tedious. Does this drive others crazy too?
  5. I love how about half of the Citadel/Shore Leave DLC in Mass Effect 3 is just hanging out/messing around, and has no "plot" or mission. It has a very slice of life quality. Does anyone know of other games/DLCs that do well with this?
  6. I got annoyed with the name I put on my first user account on PS5, so I tried to make a new user with the name I wanted, and delete the first one. Later, I discovered the PS5 deleted the new user and put back the old one. Does anyone know why this happened, or how to change the name on an existing user account?
  7. Is there a game type that just intimidates the hell out of you? For me, it is side-scrollers.
  8. For some reason, I remember looking up the PS5's dimensions and concluding it would not be much larger than my PS3, but my info must have been wrong. This console is HUGE. I had to struggle to find a spot for it.
  9. Which games have the most confusing or unhelpful tutorials when starting out? Or lack tutorials altogether?
  10. On the off chance that anyone is wondering, I can confirm now that yes, it is possible to transfer Dragon Age Inquisition progress directly from PS3 to a PS4 copy of the game running on PS5. Not only that, but it is shockingly easy.
  11. I started messing around with No Man’s Sky for the first time a few days ago. So far, I’m finding it pretty un-intuitive. Does anyone have any tips?
  12. If anyone here has had a PS5 for a while, any recommendations for a new user? I already shut off “Rest Mode.”
  13. @Steerminator OMG, THIS. Yes, the person who I watch play most often has this same issue. I think anxiety in general often boils down in part to poor self-esteem, so that is a factor here. And you end up with either 1-the person beating themselves up for being bad (when they are often actually just learning and are doing fine), or 2-the person blames the game, because the only way they have learned to feel OK about themselves is to outsource blame and perceive something else as Not OK.
  14. Exatly. I can relate to this too. Like, if someone is managing their resources inefficiently, it is so hard not to be a backseat driver and pester them about it. This is very me.
  15. Standard price at Walmart 🙂
  16. Thanks! I didn't realize how much Skyrim was already a focus in this thread, so hadn't thought to click on it (and this thread is a great idea, btw).
  17. Since I skipped the PS4 generation, I have a pile of PS4 games waiting for me. Top priority is to play the Trepasser DLC for Dragon Age Inquisition if I can to wrap up the story. I'm also eager to play remastered BioShock. After that, TLOU II. For open world games, it will be either this one or The Outer Worlds first. Haven't decided.
  18. If you are stuck on a desert island with no chance of escape, what video game character would you choose as your companion? I will pick Ellie from TLOU, since she is good at finding meaning/value in harsh circumstances.
  19. I’m having deja’vu, so I hope I haven’t asked this. But what video game character would other people in your life say you are most like?
  20. Makes sense. I think I am going to place my PS5 vertically, but I don't know how to keep my cat away. There are only a few spots in my tiny home where it can go.
  21. Is there a video game character you feel is your polar opposite? I might pick Vivienne from DA Inquisition.
  22. As it says in the title, which character would you want to have with you for a prison break, keeping in mind you cannot use their magic/powers to cheat (and no special weapons or equipment)? I will pick Leliana from DA Origins, as I feel her cunning will come in handy.
  23. Are there games where the menus/controls still elude you? Like, I understand Oblivion’s menus, but I STILL push almost random buttons trying to scroll through all the screens.
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