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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. What is your favorite game to watch someone else play?
  2. If it is an option with your console, do you position yours horizontally or vertically?
  3. Digital, alas. But these days, I'll take it =D
  4. What do you regret from your time in an MMO? In the game I was in, if you killed an AFK character, they progressively lost levels down to zero unless someone else did something with their body. I really regretted doing that for someone once. In hindsight, I so should have let them drop to zero.
  5. What do you miss most about your earliest days of gaming? I think I miss how hard we sometimes had to work to solve puzzles, weirdly enough (no YouTube videos to watch). Sometimes I’d actually had to collaborate with friends to figure stuff out.
  6. Is there a simple feature you overlooked completely in your favorite game for years? Like, for example, my brother did not realize you can cook in Skyrim.
  7. A PS5 is on the way to me. At Long Last. … That is all.
  8. Why are windows in ES and Fallout games opaque? I guess it is because the buildings load as separate zones, but would it really be that hard to make them part of the zone around them?
  9. My brother is playing DA Origins for the first time. Like me, he tries to make ethical choices in video games. So, it is hilarious watching him make almost completely opposite choices/assumptions as me. It seems like watching how two players tackle the same scenarios in a game sheds interesting light on what divides their personal ethical systems.
  10. Weirdly enough, I see the appeal in what @Razor1911 says (probably because gaming and dreaming feel similar to me), and totally relate to your reaction at the same time.
  11. What are your favorite Skyrim mods? @killamch89 Particularly wanting your feedback here. I'm guessing if I get the Skyrim Special Edition, I could use PS4 mods on PS5, so I am excited to potentially mod Skyrim for the first time.
  12. Getting a PS5 soon, and wondering if anyone knows if you can use Skyrim PS4 mods on PS5. I would assume yes, but I haven't found confirmation.
  13. Thus my distinction, as there are sometimes future allies who are transiently confused and worth salvaging =D But yes, for the type of enemy you are talking about, I would not save them.
  14. If they are legit and eternally an enemy, it seems illogical to save them. If they are the kind of person who would switch sides out of gratitude, however, sure, I'll save them.
  15. Hypothetically, I would, but like @Reality vs Adventure mentioned, if I die saving a pet, the pet is as good as dead 😞
  16. To me, that sounds more like what love is than a feeling, anyway.
  17. Yes! I actually like this smell. For mine, I'd list that diesel smell at gas stations. Smells like road trips, and thus a sense of freedom and adventure.
  18. Same here. Constantly missing being young as well.
  19. Yes, it's worth it. I'd say it took me a while to really be impacted by it, because for a long time in the beginning/middle, I had no idea where it was going. But it gave me some things to think about regarding our unconscious motivators and how they can limit our choices, to the point where I'd say it helped me face some stuff last year in my personal life I was avoiding for a really long time. I apologize that I don't recall which games you've played off the top of my head, but if you haven't yet, TLOU and BioShock series are amazing story-wise.
  20. The pandemic has made for a strange situation with E3 the past couple of years—plus, E3 was already changing before that. All of that in mind, what do you think E3 is going to be like next year? How do you think it will evolve over the years that follow? And what do you want to see happen?
  21. There are some games that were featured at E3 this year that are already available for pre-order. Have you pre-ordered any of them, or are you planning to?
  22. What were the strangest games you saw showcased at this year’s E3? I think the weirdest one I’ve seen so far is “Happy Game.”
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