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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. Has anyone ever noticed that it sometimes suddenly becomes trendy to hate on certain games, even ones that came out years ago? Does anyone have any insights into what causes this toxic and annoying behavior? I see it a lot on Reddit.
  2. First of all, hi everyone! It’s been ages! I hope everyone is doing well! Have you ever played a game that is way outside of your typical genre or format of game? If so, what was it that convinced you to play it?
  3. Thanks for the shout out! I've just been swamped lately with a lot of things. I miss creating lots of topics though. Since I don't know specifically what you are feeling nervous about, there's not much specifically I say to reassure you. But I have always found your posts to be thoughtful, intelligent, comprehensive and entertaining. I think you are probably second guessing yourself unnecessarily.
  4. I did notice that pains were taken to show us that Joel drinks to cope with his PTSD. That could be relevant here. If you watch the last few minutes of this, there are some interesting insights into the closing scenes where Joel beats that guy to death, and some discussion about how Ellie and Joel's connection is dangerous for others. I think that could be one of the reasons for the song choice. Their relationship may exhilerate them, but it is also dangerous since ultimately there's nothing they won't do for each other. While the song is about drug use, it does capture that threshold between euphoria and danger. This is one of my favourite songs; I was so happy to see it here.
  5. That's also all I know as well. More curious why Druckmann and Mazin chose Never Let Me Down Again, and whether the reference has more to do with Joel and Ellie or with Bill and Frank. I mean, the song is about drug use, but could perhaps be applicable to aspects of relationships that are intoxicating but dangerous.
  6. In some areas though, it's arguably ramped up. That last scene where Joel beats that soldier to death, for example? In the game, that situation came across to me as "Ugh, that went badly, now we gotta kill this guy." In the show, it came across more as brutal and intentional murder.
  7. The Fallout universe actually wouldn't be a bad place to end up. Where else can you get self-healing limbs from radiation exposure? Hmm, if @The Blackangel will be uploaded with her memory wiped, I'll be uploaded where she goes so we can meet all over again.
  8. What are your other contenders? The other place I wouldn't mind being uploaded to would be a non-fascist, non-racist, irreligious version of Columbia from BioShock Infinite. I want to live in a sky city with equality for all. Also, I don't think immortality would be a problem, but boredom would. But if the universes in question were continually evolving and added to, it might not be an issue. And I assume we get to hang out with other real people after we are uploaded? If so, that should solve a large chunk of the boredom problem.
  9. When you have to find a specific location for a quest, do you prefer a marker at the exact location, or would you rather have a general area highlighted, or do you prefer a reference to an area, but no indication on the map at all, making you figure it out yourself?
  10. What games feature some of the most bizarre and unexpected turns of events? As an example, I just finished the Shivering Isles DLC in Oblivion. I never in a million years could have guessed when I first started playing Oblivion that that would be the ultimate fate of the hero of Kvatch (so amazing though).
  11. Each time I play RDR2, I swear I have only been playing the game a night or two, and then I notice it’s been like a week. What games make time fly by super fast for you like this?
  12. Does anyone else feel claustrophobic swimming underwater in video games? I seem to feel this way universally in games, even though swimming underwater doesn’t make me feel claustrophobic IRL.
  13. I put a disc in my PS3 yesterday, and it made this disturbing loud vibrating noise. I took it out and put itback, and it is still doing it a little, but much more quietly. Anyone had this happen or know what the problem is?
  14. Perhaps not the drive behind the existence of the hobbies--but possibly the drive behind some individuals' interaction with them. I suppose it all comes down to what each person makes of it. If someone grows up playing TLOU and is inspired by Ellie to find a way to be optimistic in our increasingly apocalyptic-looking world, fights to survive, and ultimately ends up helping a lot of people in part because of her example, then I'd say they used their hobby to help them change the world.
  15. Fascinating post and question. Mass Effect actually sounds like the best/most logical choice for me as well. I'd rather be uploaded as me though, with my memories intact (at least the most important ones).
  16. Are there any examples of video game dialogue you found surprisingly moving at really unexpected moments in games?
  17. Are there some moments in video games that you have played numerous times that still catch you by surprise? For example, not much makes me jump in TLOU after multiple playthroughs, but I still got caught off guard the other night by the moment in Bill’s Town when you abruptly find yourself upside-down.
  18. While I can sometimes remember specific details of games I played a year or more ago vividly, I notice I forget a lot of stuff within just a few weeks as well, which often leaves me confused about side quests in particular when I take a few weeks off from a game and come back to it. Do others also quickly forget some video game content?
  19. What are some video game series that were initially not exclusives, and which you were upset to discover later became exclusives? My answer is The Outer Worlds, which was originally not an exclusive, but going forward will apparently be a Microsoft exclusive.
  20. Who are some video game characters that changed dramatically between installments in a series? A couple of examples I can come up with are Ellie in TLOU Parts 1 and 2, and Anders between Dragon Age Awakening and DA II.
  21. Has a video game ever helped you explain something IRL? For example, I saw someone on Reddit explain how it was easier for them to tell others about what it is like to be bipolar when they used the Shivering Isles from Elder Scrolls: Oblivion as a kind of metaphor (amazing DLC, btw—just finished it, and my mind was blown). I’m not sure a specific game has helped me explains something about how I think/experience the world, but gaming in general does. I can explain exactly what I dislike about adulthood via a gaming metaphor: it is immersion-breaking. Instead of being fully immersed in the world I’m in, it’s like I’m always trying to fix the metaphorical equivalent of a buggy game or broken controller.
  22. I like what they did with The Last of Us Part 1, where it is more than a typical remaster, but it isn’t a full on “remake” in the sense of replacing story or voice acting elements. It’s just a really comprehensive overhaul. What are some other games you feel could benefit from this type of overhaul?
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