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Everything posted by Syntax

  1. I love exploring, probably that’s why I like open map style games. But when you only explore, like in No Man’s Sky, it can be kind of annoying IMO since you need like objectives
  2. Red Dead 2, any racing game, or even some games like GTA V since the story builds up the gameplay stays the same
  3. Try Cyberpunk on a last gen, i had my NPC glitch all over the room during a cutscene and an enemy teleport to the top of the map that I had to kill to finish a mission and couldn’t get to 🤦‍♂️
  4. No Mans Sky when it first came out, thing was broken. Now it’s worth the price due to the VR mode. Cyberpunk 2077 on last gen consoles as it’s completely broken on them
  5. Syntax


    I’ve tried to game with some and most multiplayer games will filter them out, think they are bots/account sharing, or they are way too slow to be practice and use.
  6. My friend does but with the limited space on the drive I’d rather wait for the second gen and a better (and cheaper) swap to do so I don’t have to move games around or redownload them all of the time
  7. Probably No Mans Sky, or online games like WoW/RuneScape or so
  8. Infamous (PS game), Red Dead Redemption to a point since it makes sense any way you play the story out.
  9. I think it’s hard to play any multiplayer ones, mostly just have to play single player games on handheld devices. Kinda wish the WiFi supported higher speeds to be able to then do online gaming at any form.
  10. Ark if you think about it, otherwise games like Rust, or even Robloxs in a sense too
  11. GTA San Andres for sure due to its storyline, also games like FFX due to their story that I didn’t understand when I was a kid. other games I’ll play and go back for the fun of it (like command and conquer games), but that’s really about it.
  12. I think they add to end goals, but sometimes I don’t really look at them and just move onto playing the game and going forward with finishing the story. Maybe I’ll go back later and try to get them all, but not always.
  13. I think that if some of them make sense, like add that are based on the game, sure. Now if it’s a pure ad that has no purpose it gets kind of annoying. Things like promoting a company isn’t an ad directly in my eyes, AKA how monster energy was so promoted in death stranding.
  14. I believe that will be the full future, and the games we have now will become retro games.
  15. I remember playing Halo in high school with everyone on the network computer in a LAN status. As far as college, I don’t think anyone cared since I would play a few games here and there and I’d check and see others playing League/Dota/WoW in class too.
  16. I don’t think I have ever played with JRPG, do you have any games as suggestions?
  17. I’ll be curious on if they can make a AAA title game or not. With the funding they have they should easily be able to..
  18. PS3 used to be able to dual boot Linux onto the system, before they removed that option on an update a year or two later.
  19. I love the way that they used Bing Maps and other aspects to make the game the size of the planet without being huge in terms on the size that it takes on your hard drive. can’t wait for them to do this with possibly racing games or other games too!
  20. Syntax

    Games on Linux

    There are more and more games adding Linux support, so it definitely is getting better attention and might be the way to go moving forward like Windows is for PC games.
  21. I’ve always used Windows 7 for my emulation needs since it tends to be more stable (and with no more updates it won’t change moving forward like Windows 10 does every update).
  22. Syntax

    Epic Games

    I feel like you kind of have to since they offer pretty good free games.
  23. I think buying when on sale makes sense if you legit will play it. I’ve seen many buy games on sale and never play them since they weren’t into the genre.
  24. I always keep mine in test mode since it installs game updates, and gets everything ready for me even if I don’t play it for weeks.
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