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Everything posted by Syntax

  1. I currently own a PS VR setup, and it has it's pros and cons. I use it maybe a few times a week (for 1-3 hours straight) depending on what game I am playing. Motion sickness IS a HUGE thing at first, but once you keep using it - it all goes away and you remember you are sitting in a chair with a headset on. Pros; 90% of games that have a VR mode KILL IT. Sometimes you forget that you are even inside of a VR headset with the headphones on and sitting down or using the Move controllers with the specific accessories for the game. Cons; A lot of games do not support VR, the games that are super realistic are where the visual aspect is awful, many games tend to have a limited VR mode (no online, no mulitplayer), the screen in the VR headset is 100% less than 720p so you CAN see pixels once and awhile.
  2. Kind of, I have my Alienware Alpha R2 next to my PS4 inside of an entertainment area - but other ones are elsewhere due to their size (and, well, mostly my entertainment center being somewhat on the smaller side).
  3. I think it changed the game landscape for a bit, but now that it's flooded with good and bad examples, only the true winners shine. What makes it worse is that not much can be changed on the gameplay (other than just having new weapons, or cosmetic items, or changing the map). So it kind of gets boring fast once you really go at it and keep playing the game over and over again.
  4. Thank you! And 100%. It was bad to the point where when it was a few months before release many of them would sleep at the job and wake up to continue working. I guess it sounds cool at first, but makes many not really want to play games anymore since it's a different mindset on playing vs. trying to find a bug, or make sure every level works correctly, etc. Plus, if the game doesn't do too well, it's always the testers fault since they should have had more feedback. The biggest thing they told me was that there are 3 levels of bugs, and some of them never get fixed (so every game always will ship even on gold before patches with issues) because it's not worth their time to recolor something, or redo an aspect. I remember they said when the Kinect was a thing, they had to even test if using wigs, or different cloths, or even costumes would pick things up correctly and how it would interpret them in the game since it was such new technology (before it became more common).
  5. Didn't they already hint at it being with Venom next game from the ending of the original one? I'd be curious on what is next though, since it's hard when you want to stay focused to a characters storyline from a comic book concept too with pieces that not everyone knows or really would want to play (may think it's outside of their character for example).
  6. I think it depends. Many just play the main story only, it would be horrible hard to get the full game done (ex; side quests, other unlocks) with the timeframe and they don't normally add too much value to the game and story line already. I do think they need to play enough to know the game and it's concept/story, so maybe around 25-50% would work for me.
  7. Death Stranding - right before the final ending, man hits in them feels. Otherwise most games have a sad but predictable outcome esp. if they are within a series (like GTA, Last Of Us, etc.).
  8. When I worked as a Software Test Engineer at a previous company, there were tons of game development testers that had lost their job due to the company not doing too well shortly after. The only plus is you see games before they are released. The cons are HUGE including; Doing every level, multiple times in a row various different ways. Crunching before the release of games and before patches go out to make sure they are correct. Trying to play games in ways that they shouldn't be played or trying to bypass areas in open world games.
  9. If we exclude out the MMOs like WoW/RuneScape/Ark, we're left with some multiplayer games but some that are also singleplayer. Some that come to mind are definitely games like Dark Souls. It appears that 98% of other games just give you that screen "You have died - load from last save/checkpoint?" which makes dying pretty much useless overall.
  10. In terms of actual quest aspect and not the story with it? Death Stranding (delivering packages sucks but the story along each package and each quest being done was SOLID). Otherwise if it's both I'd have to say RDR2 or even GTA V, hard to vibe when it's always go to point A then B and repeat.
  11. For me personally, would have to be Amazing Spiderman (just got it on sale during the holidays). It's a pretty fun game and can see why it's near the game of the year by far.
  12. With the sad flop (in terms of gaming development from main stream companie) done on the PS Vita, and sad flop of the userbase as a result - do you ever think that Sony will create another handheld console for users to use like the experience between the PS Vita & PS4 with the PS5?
  13. First one I played and owned myself? PS2 (have had the PS3, PSP, PS Vita and now PS4) since then. I never owned the first PS since I was still playing my Vega and Nintendo at that point.
  14. I don't see this working nicely for drive-in type of games. I remember that a place called GameWorks had a pretty big F1 game where you would line up and get into actually F1 vehicle shells with the hardware inside to play, against 24 other players in their upper level. Only problem is that if you don't have enough players at the given time, or if a unit fails/malfunctions, the height adjustment aspect needed, and esp. the cleaning required after every run wearing down rubber/plastic and electrical aspects rapidly.
  15. Ironically, I remember my friend requesting her copy to be refunded at the start and Sony said no. CD Red replied back that they were "working on it", so it's good that they finally got it resolved. Makes me wonder if we will ever see this game on the PS Store for PS4 users now, or will it always be taken off?
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