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Everything posted by Syntax

  1. Witcher 3 does this well, and so does RDR2/GTA V, or even Skyrim if you roam the map and run into random encounters with NPCs.
  2. I'd probably say 20 hours to complete main story, probably 32+ hours to complete side-quests, etc.
  3. I'd agree with the others, Red Dead Redemption 2 probably has the best horse physics and wild nature when finding them roaming around the map.
  4. I Am Legend (with more of a focus on the start of what caused it, into a followup of living alone and having to do daily tasks before nighttime alone, similar to Dying Light but solo with no team/safe house outside of your own house).
  5. I've tried to, but a lot of games that have an auction house or way to trade in-game items for real-life money, tend to have a tax (or just straight up banned outright by the rules). Most of the ways to earn money by playing games tend to just be related to streaming and earning money through that medium.
  6. My most recent one would be $2,500 (Apple MacBook 14" Pro M1 Pro w/ 16GB of RAM, 1TD SSD). Outside of that, I've mostly purchased cheaper-end laptops (~$400 range) or gone for server-grade desktops that I then use at a consumer level that are either used or bare bones (only come with RAM, CPU, motherboard, PSU, and case).
  7. For a brick-and-mortar store in many areas, probably. Otherwise, the best would be to go to Newegg, Amazon, or another third-party building company (ex; CyberPowerPC type of companies).
  8. Spotify, YouTube, Reddit/Facebook/Twitter (social media in general), Slack/Teams for work platforms, and then probably just Safari a bunch browsing the web on the go.
  9. PUBG Mobile, Apex Legends, Critical Ops PvP, and Shadowgun are all good ones that came out either before/after CoD/Fortnite on mobile.
  10. Lovely, I still have yet to get the game but almost done with my first play-through (so not a + mode) on Ultimate on the original + DLC expansion. Kinda pumped to see what their Ultimate experience is on the newer game then if it's that much more difficult.
  11. I've seen this with a handful of titles I play, but most of the time it drops on other platforms after X years or so (think, Death Stranding for example which was a launch Sony exclusive but now is on every other platform).
  12. By harder, how would you rate it? Like if I played on Normal on the first game, on FW would it be like a level harder (ex; Hard)? Or even higher like Ultimate?
  13. I wonder if they will eventually release it out to PS4/PS5/PC as well, I mean I can't see why not after a given blanket period timeframe.
  14. Was the beta good? I'm also on the fence about ordering MW2 with what happened to Battlefield 2042.
  15. I've done this a ton, probably a list of my favorite are; PS3 - Eve's Dust 514 PS4 - PlanetSide 2, Rogue Company
  16. Lmao I didn't think many others had played this game, but it's for sure a solid! My favorite next to the OG Battlefield games on the PS2 by far.
  17. It's kind of a relaxing game if you can pick up on some of the basic aspects. It's just a lot of crafting, which for new players might help to look at a guide or crafting guide in order to show what you need to make XYZ.
  18. If the remakes allow me to play it on a newer platform (ex; GTA San Andres), then sure I'll purchase it. But if it's a remake on the same platform (Last of Us), it makes little sense in my opinion.
  19. Kinda hope that it's a good game, there seems to be a lot of new FPS games from developers from big studios making their own with a smaller/new studio these days.
  20. Getting their free monthly games are nice if it's something on your list, otherwise being able to play multiplayer or get free add-ons are nice as well.
  21. GTA V Online (who cares at the end of the job I see what happens if it's more than my first time playing through it), Red Dead has that same aspect sometimes
  22. In Dying Light there are those mystic-level weapons all around the map that you have to repair or do something unique to/with in order to get them.
  23. Rockstar taking on a game like Star Wars would be super cool, or likewise another studio trying out a Burnout/Need for Speed game would be very nice.
  24. Well, it depends on the genre and if this is a goal or a way to do it in a shooter game, to win the story for example. Otherwise racing games, Sim-related games, etc. you can play without a single death in a sense. For shooters, I think Splinter Cell is a good example or possibly the last of us?
  25. This mostly is with new games, so games like No Mans Sky, Cyberpunk, etc. were "overhyped" and then resulted in poor experiences when it comes to the game itself sadly.
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