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Everything posted by Patrik

  1. I was a kid back then and i really wanted to play GTA 4 so badly lol, but i had only a PS2 and a bad pc that couldn't run the game, another day, i went to buy some discs for my PS2 and i found a disc having GTA 4 Cover on it but with PS2 on the title lol, so i was so happy and excited to play it, when i inserted the disc, i found out that it's a modded GTA SA :(
  2. GTA San Andreas to be honest, it's probably the only game that never stops from surprising me because there is always something weird to find about or a small detail to pay attention to
  3. GTA, Resident Evil, Battle Royale games, RDR, Max Payne and much more
  4. But mods need lot of procedure that's usually complicated and you have to save backup in case some crash occurs etc...
  5. well, maybe it sounds like french for non-french speakers, but it's no french vocabulary was used (atleast from what i heard in that video) :p
  6. as a french speaker, i can say that there's no french involved here, about Japanese ? no idea :P
  7. I was actually surprised that the Sims has its own language, which is called the "Simlish", are there any other games that have their own unique language ?
  8. I would say Xbox or anything Nintendo related, i just never found them attractive and always thought that anything Nintendo related is childish
  9. there's also a similar feature in some Acer Laptop, where the laptop seems to be completely shut down when it's just in some 'deep sleep' mode
  10. Hilarious lmao, they are acting like that girl having sex on her own with someone just to report him as a rapist the next day...
  11. they already exist in gaming though, they are those kind of players that kill you once in a year and spam "ez"
  12. Google gave up on Stadia unfortunately (or luckily i guess xD), but there are other alternatives such as Geforce Now that are sort of cheap but cool
  13. I believe PS5 will, it has easier access to backwards compatibility unlike Xbox that has few complications and difficulties, also better specs
  14. PS1, and the first game i played there was Driver 2, then got my hands on lot of popular titles such as Pepsi Man, Jackie Chan Stuntmaster and some Batman games
  15. PS1 & PS2, i was too excited to get a PSP, but those went rare for a period of time and i still want to get one even today!
  16. If i ever buy a console, it would be PS5 for sure, because it does Backwards compatibility, so i can enjoy older titles on higher frame rates and better quality for sure !
  17. PC as regular, i was a console player when i was young, because i had no knowledge about Hardware or stuff, but was still playing flash games on PC
  18. Patrik


    Played it for around 5 hours then deleted it, it's a combination of CSGO and Overwatch, it's a fun game but the players are tryharders so badly lol
  19. Besides my 2 brothers being annoying, i believe nothing else can annoy me, so wearing headsets help me completely ignore the noise coming from outside
  20. I can't believe can enjoy gaming when being on a flying trip, i had to sleep for 3 hours last time i flew because of the backpain i had xD
  21. Maybe they are called Bosses because they are the reason behind every regular enemy you are facing during your gameplay ? :P
  22. it wasn't the connection issue between the D-Pad buttons, but it was the surface that wasn't sharp enough to hurt your fingers :p
  23. Get a Mini PC that comes with a Ryzen APU (they are performing almost similar to the GT 1030/ GTX 750Ti), so they are good for pretty much everything (except intensive gaming), the Ryzen models come less cheaper than intel ones and come with better integrated graphics
  24. If you are capable of affording them, then i would say just get a PS5 as well, for the price, PS5 is offering a very decent performance, that a PC equivalent would cost you much more, but gaming on PC has its own vibe and uniqueness
  25. I actually thought that they gone for good, just because modern technology invaded everyone's house, which means no need to play those old titles for the majority. They are closed here too, but years before the lockdown because the number of interested people has reduced :(
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