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Everything posted by Patrik

  1. I don't think so, they recently abandoned Stadia and Google decided to just participate in the making of some games the classic way
  2. My net is pretty bad but surprisingly good for online gaming, the only issue i find is when i'm trying to update a specific game, it takes so long
  3. Mafia series to be honest, and the second chapter to be more specific (the first one was good too, but atleast the devs cared about it till they released it completely). Mafia 2 was rushed to be released, so they had to cut lot of features and content but the game was still awesome!
  4. I see it completely fine, at the end, nobody is going to eat you :D, i usually start chatting with people i don't know before getting into a voice chat with them
  5. Yes they exist here, since very long, but they are unfortunately not opening or still on duty because the retro culture here is pretty rare :(
  6. I would say Mafia 2/GTA 4, their storylines are just excellent, and they are lot of fun in a unique way
  7. I don't buy until reviews come out (even if sometimes they don't matter because opinions differ), same goes to preodering, that doesn't exist in my dictionary :p
  8. Pes and Fifa for sure, not only because i don't like sports games but they are literally the same game every year with different name lol
  9. In 2015 to be specific, before that, i used to play just for entertainment, but gaming introduced me to lot of things and lat me know lot of people, people that made me aware of lot of things.
  10. How tired were the "Flying Rats" and "Random Characters sidequests" were for you ? :P, i remember they are a must for the 100% completion for the game .
  11. I installed it today, i love the aesthetic style that it has along with those chilling soundtracks and text styles, thanks for sharing :D
  12. That's why i said complicated process, those old Pentium 4 Prebuilts usually come with windows XP installed, so having floppy disks read on them is pretty easy
  13. I use them only in the games that i spent so much time on, because some vanilla games get so boring after a while, so using mods mean new experience and new fun for sure.
  14. Yes it is, but as a midrange GPU, it's a pretty good GPU if you are satisfied with 1080p 60 FPS.
  15. these can't even work when it comes to retro gaming since they all come with windows 10 that doesn't support old games, and i don't think that the hardware inside it is compatible with running older systems as well
  16. I'm sure lot of you came across something similar to this : Now, the funny thing, is that most of these rely on integrated GPU's when it comes to gaming (sometimes from intel or sometimes from AMD), the most decent integrated GPU that exists now can't even perform like GTX 750Ti, a GPU from 2014, yet, these are being sold for almost 1000$ !!. Why do this exist even if it's that weak and why don't people buy something else that's cheaper and capable of gaming, or just laptops for gaming instead, 1000$ is more than enough for a med tier gaming laptop.
  17. GTA San Andreas Multiplayer (SAMP), been playing since 2010, it was receiving updates till 2015, but there are always different gamemodes to try, i should say i got around 5000 hours or even more of playing time there
  18. The easiest way if you aren't planning to go through complicated process would be buying some old PC (something from the first Pentium 4 PC's should get the job done), they come with support for floppy disks and they shouldn't cost more than 15$ (worldwide)
  19. No difference in Performance (except less ram usage in windows 7 but not that much of difference) when it comes to emulators, but it's a plus to have windows 10 installed because lot of softwares stopped supporting windows 7
  20. It's not less Popular, it's just people that think a PC that's meant for gaming is full of RGB and expensive, that's why everyone take consoles on consideration when thinking about gaming
  21. Patrik

    Low Spec Fortnite?

    I believe that Creative Destruction and Knives out could be considered as low spec Fortnite games, they don't require that much of specs to run and they are both free
  22. Patrik

    When Your PC Dies

    Happened to me just right in the beginning of December, i spent almost 2 months without gaming (had to play mobile games that i never planned for 😞 ), till i got another one this month
  23. Patrik

    Post your specs

    Xeon X5675 Oc'ed to 4.0 Ghz XFX RX 480 4GB 500 GB SSD 16 GB DDR3 ECC RAMs
  24. Patrik

    Epic Games

    Never bought a game from there, but i got around 30 games for free from there (thank you Epic Games and Steam for the competition xD)
  25. I personally prefer used parts since they are way cheaper, but there are some parts that shouldn't be bought used due to their lifespan (Storage parts such as HDD & SSD for example), some parts are okay to be bought used such as CPU's, RAMs or even GPU's (if you are sure that they weren't used for mining)
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