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Everything posted by Patrik

  1. Far Cry 1, in exactly the last mission, it's that kind of "impossible" missions to pass for sure, extremely hardcore, i ended up watching the final mission on youtube instead of playing it
  2. Maybe if the things work like everyone thinks, then it would be their next remake for sure, i remember reading this like months ago, there are lot of similar discussions going about it, let's hope they are true : https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/resident-evil-4-remake/
  3. Yes they should do, me as a person that believes that the storyline is more important than everything else in game, also believes that it could get bad in any time, so the reviewer has to take that on consideration and finish the game to know if the storyline is worth focusing on since the beginning or not
  4. Happened many times to me with my little bros, it doesn't like feel like any win you could experience with people that are in the average of your level, but them knowing they have a pro bro matters
  5. I personally fired up games lot of times to get out of depression, you literally feel nothing once you're playing but better moral situation, it comes back less harsher than it was once you are in bed and overthinking but your console/PC is always there to fight it!
  6. I would say expensive ones, but i'm not using them only for gaming purpose, as a music compositor, i really need the max possible quality in my ears before upload my stuff
  7. i completely understand your point, but the game being completely based on stealth (like the first 2 games) is kind of annoying to be honest, because one single mistake can make you repeat the mission :(
  8. Till it feel like replaying it, the best thing that can happen to anyone who's trying to replay a game is forgetting about the main events in the game, so no spoilers :P
  9. Hitman Contracts is the only one from the series that i love, i love how it's not all based on stealth like the rest of them and so much fun at the same time ❤️
  10. Cloud gaming is the only that worries me about the future of gaming, i can't believe that it's spreading, especially that i'm a hardware Enthusiast :(
  11. that's a pretty hard decision to take, but i'd go for movies as well, besides the recycled ideas that almost every movie has, a movie that lasts around 2 hours can't be that much of fun like a game where there are no limits (especially in open world gamezz)
  12. Agree, it's currently a matter of stock more than a matter of performance lol, the most available, the winner is, with scalpers making it even worse and making GPU's prices jumping to the moon
  13. Well, it's actually nice to see people getting exactly what they expected or even better, unlike developers hiding themselves behind lames excuses such as 'we were rushed out' when the game's development took almost a decade (talking about Bug Simulator 2077)
  14. Based on my experience from NFS Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted (2006 version), i can say i'm pretty good at them, but they aren't on the top of the list of my favorite games category
  15. This was a thing in my childhood, we used to do it in gaming centers, who loses, pays, but other games were involved (as football games are a no no for me), such as DBZ & Mortal Kombat
  16. Mafia, Resident Evil, GTA (before flying bikes used to exist), Hitman, i don't really want to mention other series since some of them have only few decent titles and the rest are bad
  17. Patrik

    Bully 2

    It was indeed cancelled because priority was given to other games .... if you read this website, you'll find out that in 2017, they gave priority to GTA 6 (that there are still no official news about it) lol https://screenrant.com/grand-theft-auto-6-reason-bully-2-cancelled/
  18. I only hate the ones that are related to online games, singleplayer ones shouldn't be an issue as people can't harm you by using them, but i personally wouldn't cheat on both, online and offline, cheating online kills competition, where's the fun in letting scripts do everything for you, and cheating offline kills the fun in the game because it gets easier than it's supposed to be
  19. This game actually exists in speedrunning communities and has some world records as well, it's just a matter of practice, for me, a game is hard only when it comes to puzzles or strategies, otherwise it's a matter of few attempts till you are done with it.
  20. Depends on the guy who's making them, some people know how to edit them real well and make you curious to complete the walkthrough, but some of them keep dropping some real bad jokes that make you wish he never had a mouth at the first place
  21. (in my case) I can confirm that online gaming made me get annoyed/angry quicker than i used to, thanks to the toxic kids & cheaters, but i learned how to get over that by ignoring them
  22. Literally any game that was a part of my childhood pushes me to replay it, what i like more about that, is that sometimes when replaying a game, i completely find out about things i never paid attention to
  23. Mouse & Keyboard till death! gamepad is just another "mobile gaming" stylish thing to game with and it's really annoying
  24. I love doing the sidequests for the random characters in GTA 4, what's cool about them too is that there are no signs about them in the mini map, so you have to explore the map to find them
  25. Since i'm not really into modern games (except few titles), i spent only around 380$, it's a midrange gaming PC and surprisingly does better than what it costed me
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