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Everything posted by Patrik

  1. The first 2 games for sure, in fact, they were more fun for me than MW3 & MW2, Black ops 1 was fun too as it was a whole other experience in terms of weapons and stuff
  2. OMG NO, i hope they don't add the same BS of GTA V again, 3 characters in a single game was a pain in the back, you should only play as one with decent storyline, having a female as a protagonist isn't an issue (atleast for me), but repeating the same bs that people didn't like is just real bad..
  3. The modding community in GTA San Andreas are still making graphics mods for the game as well, that make it look like a whole other game too, an example :
  4. 1/2- Limbo & Inside : Games from same company that i never understood what they are about but still loved lol. 3- Metal Slug : I never knew what they are fighting about or what they are trying to reach, but i'm still replaying the game xd. 4- Bioshock : Weirdness if it was a game but still love ❤️
  5. What's annoying is that some games are free but mostly based on purchasable stats, that what pushed me to stop playing Asphalt Airborne, the game was so much fun till they decided to update it and make coins impossible to earn without paying for them ( they basically increased the cars prices and other items as well ...)
  6. Considering that Half Life had only 2 main popular games, you could say that the whole series was good, Half life 3 was a joke since good old days xd
  7. My little bro does, unfortunately, some dumb mobile games developers never warn you about that (i still don't know how apps are getting approved in Google Play Store without paying attention to something important to this)...
  8. I never knew they make keyboards too, they make some decent Rams in terms of design and performance .
  9. Maybe if he pays for what the whole game will cost, otherwise, they can't make a game they never planned to do just because of one individual's request, on the other hand, since Mike Tyson is a popular guy, they might actually do it, and because of the legacy of his, lot of people might buy it just because Tyson did.
  10. it worked just fine for me, the issue is that you can't do cloud save there, but it's fun if you are planning to nolife games till you complete them in a single session, as those flash games aren't that long
  11. I'm so sorry, i really didn't know about that ... i hope i wasn't offensive in any way..
  12. The funny cutscenes, especially the ones where there are flashbacks about how things reached its current situation right now in the game.
  13. That's possible only if they decided to release something with lower specs than the ones that the original PS5 comes with, since it's kinda hard to pack all that powerful hardware in very tight space.
  14. The thing, is that all countrollers look all the same since long, with small noticeable difference, so i don't think that Sony will make something that users won't be comfortable with and will keep making same shape controllers with more modern design
  15. For me (spoiler alert): 1- Mafia 1 ( the ending ) : Tommy's death was unexpected and really made me feel so sad, i actually never thought that protagonists could die in their own games... 2- GTA 4 ( Deal's ending) : Niko got in the whole trouble and had to deal with mafia and even CIA, because and for his cousin, but at the end, he gets killed because of a wrong decision, which makes Niko feels regret everything he did since the beginning. 3- Mafia 2 : in the last mission, joe refuses to sell you and betray for a lot of money, but once you get in the car, he gets taken to an unknow place with an unknown fate ( he dies if you didn't play mafia 3 yet, but if you did, you will find out he didn't ) . What others games think that they didn't mean to be dramatic but they ended up doing it. Also please add a spoiler alert as you might ruin it for someone who didn't complete the game yet 🙂
  16. Some random farming game that my brother recommended to me, it was so much fun lol, now he's bragging that he has better games than mine.
  17. I'm just wondering what has the belgian flag style to do with the ps2 design (isn't it all based on japan?)
  18. Oh well, sorry for ruining your party guys https://www.techradar.com/amp/news/the-ps2-themed-black-ps5-has-now-officially-sold-out-but-more-could-be-on-the-way Click on the link btw, the inside of the blog is way different that what you could read in the link.
  19. There are certain games that aren't necessarly needed to play on highest possible difficulty, puzzle games to be specific, because at the end, i will have to check youtube for a solution, something like battlefield or call of duty in hard mode would be more fun, since it will push me to play smart and not rush like a fool.
  20. nope, i didn't even see your post, i did read the main post, then jumped to reply with my own personal opinion :3 now after reading your post, i can say that you are kind of addicted to games, i was pretty much the same (that i had a pc near my bed), but i did hurt my left eye :(
  21. The backwards compatibility feature in the original model comes at a cost (stated in the post above me ^^), since you have a PS2 already you wouldn't want to buy another console to play PS1 games (PS2 has backward compatibility as well)
  22. that's just a dumb thing and kills the fun in gaming, i used to nolife back in 2015, more than 10 hours a day (in Summer), ruined my school's stuff and my health as well, i'm against limiting your time because being that strict is annoying, but you should really realize that what you are doing is wrong before time passes, nowadays i spend around 3 hours in singleplayer games and it's way funnier than those 10 hours :p
  23. Things are like that since the last (atleast) 10 years, that's why a lot of games didn't manage to make it to new chapters/parts, GTA for example, they are still milking the same (bad) game since 2013...
  24. GTA SAN ANDREAS, Started it on ps2 since the age of 6/7? Still playing it today and i'm almost 20 now 😛
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