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Everything posted by Patrik

  1. Called the whole team to get in my car, there were around 7/8 guys on the car, some in the passengers seat, and some on the roof, then threw a grenade under the car, i expected them to rage because of that but it was hella funny xd
  2. Fortnite? it seems to be so easy once your accuracy is fine enough, a matter of few matches and settings and you are good to go, it's a piece of cake compared to csgo, there might be easier games as well such as Overwatch
  3. Shouldn't be tolerated to be honest, just like they do in speedrunning communities, you get caught cheating, you get banned from that game, the issue is that, a dude who got caught cheating in Mario Kart, was also caught for cheating in super mario bros, he did it for the world record, which means that who cheats once, can cheat twice (or even more)
  4. No way, it's a party game, maybe competition exists there, but not that massive competition that you can find in any esports game, also i don't see any skill to spot in that or anything that you have to nolife for lol
  5. I personally don't play any game that's based on Battle Royale for just one reason : who camps, wins. I really hate how all of these battle royale games waste time, you literally spend the whole match looting and preparing yourself, then a dude who was camping the whole match kills you...
  6. Just checked Y8 for the sake of Nostalgia, damn, they literally replaced all the games in the Main page with HTML5 and WebGL games, flash games are still there, but can't be played as my browser has no flash player, but i believe there's still a chance to play these games, a bit of research can get the job done
  7. I personally know people that left Facebook after the data thingy, so i don't think they will gather enough interested people if they make some game (unless they pay some other company to carry the name instead)
  8. 3rd person mods in games that meant to be played on first person is meh, it's still good from a side since you can see your custom character but it just ruins the other parts of the game
  9. Jackiechan stuntmaster was literally the only decent game in the whole series ( there were other games that got released for ps2 later), what other games series that you remember releasing only one good game but the rest was a no no for you?
  10. "The skull kid" ? xD, i started playing on PC even way before than consoles, even way before than PS1 (didn't experience any older consoles as i'm born in 2001).
  11. Not all Youtubers receive it, i personally know some of them (that have below than 200k subs) who couldn't manage to get their videos sponsored, otherwise they couldn't receive samples for review, which pushed them to buy the GPU's themselves.
  12. That's disrespect, you mentionned Karl Jobst without mentionning the popular "hello you absolute legends", how dare you !!
  13. Storyline what matters the most, action is repetitive, which means feel boring after a while, when in the story, there is always new to find about
  14. Smokey and the Bandit, i'm just wondering how a game that's based on that movie would look like lol, shall we focus on fun or action?
  15. Yes! I'm watching speedruns these days and find them pretty interesting, i wanted to start speedrunning too, but unfortunately that needs lot of time to invest and lot of patience too as the attempts can be sometimes up to 2k or even more in order to achieve a respectable record
  16. I remember this just like my name, it was "the skull kid", a very old flash game, then Donkey kong and some other games as i got my first PC ( A black dell prebuilt with pentium 3 ) back then.
  17. This is actually a decent punishement as cheating kills the fun in games already, i actually never knew that such anti-cheating measures exist.
  18. Crauser from Resident Evil 4, although he was an antagonist, but he's a very cool character, luckily you can play as him in the mercenaries mode.
  19. The legendary blonde lad that you help in Metal Slug, he's one of the few dudes that appreciate help in video games lol
  20. So there's that DLC of GTA 4 if you are familiar with it, where you play as a biker (TLAD), the mission was so long and it had only one part left which is driving back to the HQ, on the way, i pressed F by mistake (the key that's meant for exiting/entering vehicles), then a car rammed me and another truck rammed that car and exploded and i died, didn't touch the game for a week.
  21. The game that i'm a regular on, got communities that organize clans tournaments each year, and normal tournaments (such as 1v1 with only specific group of weapons) each 2 months or so, i never participate as there are lot of trashtalking kids that believe that you should brag about being good in a game lol
  22. That would be an easy cash if you are someone who's watching lot of streamers and got a knowledge about groups, i mean, instead of watching for entertainment, watch for the sake of the bucks too, why not ? :P
  23. You don't really need millions to be a scalper, they use bots that buy those consoles/parts for them once they are in stock, they buy for few and sell for a really a lot, i don't think that those bots are any expensive as they can be done pretty easily, to whoever has a knowledge about Python...
  24. That's how AMD actually took over the CPU's marketplace, by offering the best value for performance, 6 cores CPU's for less than 250$, when Intel was offering them for more than 400$, not to forget that if AMD didn't take over from the cores side, we would still buying 4 cores CPU's from intel for expensive.
  25. That's what i'm talking about, but another side says that you aren't hurting the companies nor the developers as those games stopped being reproduced and using their roms won't hurt anyone as they are kinda hard to find
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