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Anders last won the day on January 31

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About Anders

  • Birthday 01/16/1993

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  1. I would love to play this game at some point, as I am a big fan of the Alien franchise, but to be honest I've been too scared to play it. I started playing Avowed a couple of days ago when it came out on gamepass, and I really like it so far. The combat system feels very satisfying. So far I've been using a gun in one hand and sword in the other, I think I'm gonna go with a build like this going forward an spec towards ranger
  2. Anders


    I bought and played though Mouthwashing this weekend, and I really liked it. I won't say too much about it, but this is the kind of horror game that I like. It was creepy enough to always keep me on edge, but not so much that I was too terrified to keep playing it. It takes place in space, on a long haul cargo ship, and some shit goes down, that's about all I want to say for the story. Gameplay wise it's more or less a walking simulator, with some pretty light point-and-click gameplay, I wouldn't quite call it puzzles. If any of this sounds like it might be up your alley, I would recommend just playing it without looking too much into reviews. It cost me about $10 on sale and I got about 3 hours of gameplay out of it. Worth it in my opinion.
  3. I've actually beaten a few games over the last few days, all on the Steam Deck. I've been playing Nier: Automata for a couple of weeks, and beat it on thursday. I did enjoy the game, but to be honest I kinda expected more. It's been hyped up by some people as one of the best games ever made, and I didn't feel like it delivered on that. Overall good game though. I also played through all of Mouthwashing this weekend, and I really enjoyed it. I don't want to say too much about if for fear of spoling it, I would rather recommend going in blind like I did. I will say, if you're like me and kind of enjoy horror games, but don't like getting jumpscared, this game has some great atmospheric horror, but is very light on the jumpscares. It's a very short game, according to Steam it took me about 3 hours to play through, so I absolutely think it's a game I will play again just to get a better grasp on exactly what is going on. Thirdly, I picked up Stubbs The Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse along with Mouthwashing, as they were both on sale. I started it on saturday after I was done with Mouthwashing, and finished it on sunday night. This is a really fun, lighthearted game. In short, you play as a zombie, and the main point of the game is basically just to run around town wreaking havoc and eating brains. It originally came out in 2005, but has definitely had some pretty major updates in the last few years. It looks and runs great on Steam Deck.
  4. It's been a racing-heavy weekend for me. I went to visit my parents and brought my Steam Deck. I mostly played Dirt 5 and Hot Wheels Unleashed 2, both really fun arcade racing games.
  5. Though overlooked by many, I personally think Nintendo's most revolutionary controller was the Wii U gamepad. Being able to play whole games on the controller itself was pretty groundbreaking for me. The Wii U walked so that the Switch could run.
  6. Considering how cheap and readily avaliable handheld emulators have become in the last 5 years or so, I don't quite see how you would convince people to buy something like a Gameboy Classic. Do you want to pay $100+ for a Nintendo branded Gameboy with like 20 games on it, or do you want to pay $50 for a very similar product that can play every single video game ever made up to the PS1? I'm not gonna advocate for piracy, but I can't really say I feel guilty for downloading a ROM of a game that hasn't been for sale for 25 years.
  7. I absolutely do not grasp the concept of Americans walking around with shoes on inside their homes. To me, that's pretty insane. I definitely prefer beeing barefoot at home, but I live in Norway, and my house is 45 years old, so when it gets cold I will usually put on socks, slippers or both.
  8. I recently played through Firewatch in a weekend, and I really enjoyed it. It's one of those games I've always heard good things about, but never got around to playing. I also really enjoyed Oxenfree when I played it, I remember the plot being really exciting.
  9. I agree, one of the only viable ways of becoming a "professional gamer" these days is to become either a streamer or a youtuber, both require a ton of dedication and hard work. And even if you put in all that work, it still requires a ton of luck to break through and actually become successful enough to make a living from it. I also believe that making a hobby your full time job is a very effective way of draining all of the joy and passion out of said hobby.
  10. Quitting an online match because your team is losing is the coward's way out. Stand your ground and accept defeat with honor!
  11. I have three cats, and they all have very different personalities. One of them, Celeste, loooooves to drink water from the faucet. Whenever my wife or I go into the bathroom, she will run ahead and jump up on the sink before we even enter the room. A few days ago I gave her water in the downstairs bathroom, then I walked up the stairs to my office. She then sprinted up the stairs in front of me, and sat down in front of the upstairs bathroom door demanding to be let in. When I let her in, she of course wanted water there as well, not even a minute after she finished drinking downstairs.
  12. For me it's actually Diablo 3. When I first played it back on the Xbox 360, I remember having a much harder time beating The Butcher, one of the earlier bosses, than actually beating Diablo himself.
  13. I'm sure there has been a thread for this subject before, but I tried looking and couldn't find one. Right now I'm reading the third book in the Dungeon Crawler Carl series, called The Dungeon Anarchist's Cookbook. I started this series a few months ago, and I'm really enjoying them. It's basically like reading a video game. The characters have stats, skills, they level up and get new equipment. The plot is basically that an alien species invades earth, killing most of the population. The remaining people are transported to a dungeon world where they need to survive, kill monsters and bosses and move from floor to floor. The whole thing is a televised intergalactic show watched by trillions for entertainment. It's a really enjoyable read, I've rarely been this invested in a book series before. I would say that the third book might be my least favorite so far, but only because the setting is deliberately confusing. I'm definitely planning on finishing the whole series, there are 7 books so far. I'm also listening to the audio book of Onyx Storm, the third book of the Empyreon/Fourth Wing series. Although I do enjoy the books, it's not normally the kind of thing I would seek out myself. I started listening to them when my wife started reading the books and fell in love with them. It's been really nice having our own little book club and talking about these books.
  14. I actually did finish it, but the worst book I've ever read was Ready Player Two. I absolutely love the first book, Ready Player One, I have read the book, listened to the audio book multiple times and watched the movie, but the sequel was just insulting to read. It really felt like Ernest Cline just wrote it as a cash grab after the success of the movie, and it really just felt like reading bad fan fiction of the first book. The plot is basically a rehash of the first book, except this time the protaganist needs to find 7 macguffins instead of 3. One of the parts that made me the most angry was when the characters arrives at one of the locations where one of these macguffins (I don't even remember what they're called in the book, maybe shards?) are supposed to be located, and they're presented with a quest by the queen of this kingdom, that they need to complete in order to get the shard. Then the main character just straight up says "Oh yeah, I already did that", and the queen just gives him the thing. It's so fucking stupid, I hate it. I am in general a quite positive person, I mostly focus on liking the things I like and usually don't put a lot of energy towards things I don't like, but Ready Player Two is one of the few things I hate with a passion. As a fan of the first book it just felt like getting spat in the face by the author.
  15. I finished Tiny Terry's Turbo Trip last night. It was a fun little game, took me about 5 hours to do everything in the game, the only thing I haven't done is get the "100% Completed" achievement, which requires finding every single collectible. When I finished the game I had about 2100 out of 2400, and I really can't bothered running aimlessly around the map looking for 300 tiny collectables. After that I started Nier: Automata, which is a game I've been meaning to play for years. I've heard a lot of good things about it, but I've only played about an hour of it previously. Seems like a good game so far, it runs and looks great on the Steam Deck, and the combat feels really good.
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