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About Tsalagi_Dragon

  • Birthday January 21

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  1. Markiplier and iHasCupquake. Recently, I've started watching Hollow.
  2. Renfield. I liked it. It was funny. Nicolas Cage was great as Dracula.
  3. I got one not long after it was released, and I still have it. I really enjoy the Wii U. I bought a game on the eshop before it closed this year.
  4. Firewatch. It's about 4 or 5 hours long but it's beautiful, and at times, an intense game with a bittersweet ending. I loved it.
  5. Detroit: Become Human. Awesome game.
  6. I loved it. It is one of my favorite games. Jen and Scree were great characters. The transformations and playing as Scree were fun. I liked the soundtrack. I really enjoyed the story. It's too bad the sequel was cancelled.
  7. I am definitely buying that when it comes out. Can't wait for it.
  8. I think that would be cool. I've recently gotten into Silent Hill, and I'd love a new game. Bloober Team makes good games. Layers of Fear is one of my favorites.
  9. Years ago, I pre-ordered games quite a bit. Now I wait for them to be out for a bit so I can get them for a good price.
  10. I love Layers of Fear. It's one of my favorites.
  11. Final Fantasy 9. I will forever love that game.
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