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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I tried losing my Playstation 2 console controller back then and everything scattered. I didn't even know how to fix back all the buttons that fell out.
  2. Only if it's still possible to get back the games should the console still be available, you could have easily get back to playing it now.
  3. I think it's more like having played the games too often that makes it easy for most people. Ordinarily, some newbie don't find it easy at first.
  4. I need to read up more on Steven Erikson. I have come across one his books once but didn't get the right mindset to really appreciate it well.
  5. Some people knew from onset that it's what they are signing up once they get married. If the woman never liked gaming, you are definitely getting rid of them.
  6. Just like the same thing that happened with Konami when they felt that they were the king of the Jungle but what later happened?
  7. Anyone that FromSoftware Inc gets to work on their upcoming game Elden Ring is definitely a big shark in the waters.
  8. That's the real truth. Not everyone is built for acting as it takes a lot of work to be good at that in real performance than just doing it behind the scenes over just a voice.
  9. Seriously, I wouldn't like to ever do that inventory and calculate the amount because it's most likely going to spike my blood pressure 😂.
  10. Nope, that's not going to work for me at all. I might workout in the morning and not necessarily to help with my gaming and also in the night before going to bed.
  11. Yeah, it was something that was very peculiar in Assassin’s Creed games. Most gamers used it, in fact it's part of the reason why some still consider their games to be easy.
  12. Yeah, for a newbie gamer, turning the tips off isn't an option at all because they rely on it heavily to play successfully.
  13. Exactly, the Covid nonsense is still here and in fact it seems like it's getting worse. Hopefully, it gives the world a breather this year.
  14. I have seen that game Unpacking at least three times since last year and it's been reoccurring for me to try it out. I might be doing that.
  15. Seriously, it's the waiting that's making a big difference in those who pre orders and those who does not. Patience is really a virtue.
  16. They probably feel that the gamers wouldn't have anything to do or say about it but to take it the way they got it and it backfired.
  17. Yeah, too much of everything is boring. It takes away the uniqueness and fun in doing that. It's why when you get to overuse the voice change software, it will bore you over the time.
  18. I completely agree with you on this one, as a bit of difference can add extra flavor in the game's mix up.
  19. That's exactly the point I have been trying to make for better understanding and you just highlighted it very well for me. Thanks for doing that because it saved me a lot of stress.
  20. Now, the real question is that since it's very obvious that Capcom copied Naughty Dog...why haven't Naughty Dog sued them till now? Or have they?
  21. I would have gotten into playing Battlefield 2042 but with the lots of bad reviews I have read and watched about the game is giving me cold chills.
  22. Sony already know the financial benefits they are getting from the deal when it was signed, so letting it off easily would never happen on their watch.
  23. There is no denying the fact that most Dark Souls games are very difficult on different levels but I'm not really saying that AC games are exactly the same but with more features where you can easily avoid and evade fights by hiding from your enemies which still makes it easy by the way.
  24. Something like that is very common in most Assassin's Creed games. The act of hide and evade are very commonly used.
  25. Traps are meant to caught up with those they were set up for, it's why they are traps. If they fail to do that, they aren't living up to their billing.
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