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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Seriously, it was the beauty of arcade games then which is something that the world is lacking so much now ever since the pandemic of coronavirus hit us hard.
  2. I never did owned a NES and it feels like a big part of me missed out on a lot of games that I should have played.
  3. If they eventually makes the game, I believe that a lot gamers would really be interested in getting and playing the game as soon as possible.
  4. I love my voice the way it is. It's uniqueness can't be compared to any other character's voice.
  5. It's already been said that I failed to complete the task the task, so why in the world would I still be trying to kill myself on the same task that doesn't want get cracked?
  6. Is it advisable for you to still hold on to the stock till now? How good is it looking for you in terms of profit should you decide to sell now?
  7. I can't play and still go back and keep as the goalkeeper. My duty is to play my gaming console or PC and once it's damaged, the tech professionals gets their job.
  8. Haha, it probably evaporated into the thin air. Who knows if it's compressed gas in beans shape that was packed? 🤔
  9. My friend literally didn't put back any of the CDs of games he got for his Playstation 1 once they are out. It's why most of the games damaged easily and became unreadable.
  10. EA will never stop being EA when it comes to their acts in the video games industry. Nothing they do surprises me any more.
  11. With the rate at which Xbox is getting popular lately and with their Game Pass, it's more likely my next destination than Playstation 5.
  12. Even in real gambling like we have in the real world, the companies always have an edge over the gambles being placed to limit the win margin, otherwise they will out of business sooner than later.
  13. Thanks for the explanation but forgive my further poking where does an atheist fall amongst all these? That's very interesting. My eyes have been opened to things in a way I never saw them before.
  14. I have this problem of not feeling comfortable having anything on or inside my ear which is why gaming headset was a very big challenge for me then but I later got used to it.
  15. Destroy All Humans, Psychonauts, and Dark Cloud are the oldest games that I have currently on Playstation 4 backlog.
  16. Hunter x Hunter is one animé that I can't believe till date is yet to have its video game. There are so many companies out there that can do a perfect job but they are just reluctant to make a move.
  17. Eventually in the end, people will always do anything for money which is why some of these gaming companies do a lot of trash for the money as well.
  18. Yeah, Mario is definitely a lot more popular than Pac-Man. There are no kids that aren't familiar with Mario games till date.
  19. Yeah, it was indeed very painful. It had to get to going to the hospital for proper treatment for over 3 weeks before the inflammation got treated.
  20. Organized religion? Which means that there is unorganized religion from the looks of it? I need to be tutored more on the subject!!
  21. There was a friend of mine who was of the opinion that those tips aren't really necessarily important as you can always figure out what you are supposed to if you are very observant.
  22. I would really like to read the article which you had written on this if you don't mind. Kindly drop the link for me in my pchat. Thank you!!
  23. I only watched the movie or should I say animation of the The Killer Bean and because the game was on mobile phone, I had to pass on it.
  24. You are not even well informed or updated if I'm to use that word. They are facing more than one lawsuit. Take your time and read through their lawsuit on copyright infringement. https://www.polygon.com/22519568/resident-evil-4-copyright-infringement-lawsuit-capcom
  25. Just like my experiences playing some of the wicked bosses in Dark Souls. It wasn't a one play fight victory for me. I never had anyone easy.
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