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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I never said that there are PS4 and PS5 games that doesn't have microtransactions used in them. In fact, they all have it in one way or another but as for free games on mobile devices, they are used aggressively on it.
  2. I don't really understand what you mean by being a gameboy my friend. Please explain more, so I can understand the angle you're coming from.
  3. It's actually why they easily ban anyone that's figured out to be a hacker once they show signs of it. They render a lot of gamers useless.
  4. Yeah, it's the same thing with me over here as one of my uncle who never returned home for over 20 years came back last year and the whole family was in a big celebration 🎉.
  5. The Final Fantasy 7 Remake is also very exceptional as well for me to play as well. It's why the game have stood out for so long as one of the best of the FF series.
  6. It's been a while I played Marvel's Spider-Man. I'm starting out playing it again on my Playstation 4 probably throughout the week.
  7. Or even Toyota, Ford and Volkswagen cars more like it? Toyota cars are very common here!!
  8. Haha, seriously there is nothing people wouldn't be sold all in the name of religion!!!
  9. I didn't expect anything less from Zeus - being that he's the God of Thunder. Kratos is a big bad ass fighter of his own.
  10. Personally, I believe that everything that they did was based on the instructions given to them by Rockstar and even the resources that was made available for them to use.
  11. Seriously, there is nothing interesting to pick up from such kind of gamers and like you put it, "you don't need bad energy", it's exactly the only thing that they are very good at doing.
  12. Seriously, no matter how good it may sound after it's being put well, it's still not going to be a thing for me as I find it a way too cheap to play any game.
  13. That's definitely going to be one hell of a sweet view which any bike lover would be interested in seeing in reality.
  14. Well, that might actually be the case in what happened between the level 20 and level 90 players which I really find weird.
  15. A friend of mine actually complained about that miss out on the product rating of the game but it's not really a big deal for me because I already know what I was looking out for and that never changed anything for me.
  16. They look completely different from the looks of it, especially with the buttons but it may as well be an upgrade on this Power Glove on NES.
  17. That's the case with some kids as they are always of the habit of shocking you when you least expect it based on what they know which you never think they have picked up.
  18. Some people are of the opinion that some addiction are spiritually inclined or forced which makes it very difficult to stop and get clean unless it's handled spiritually, it never stops. What's your take on that?
  19. Yeah, that's the funny aspect of it which was why I'm very convinced that it's a normally used word right in their homes for the kid to say it freely in the open.
  20. Sometimes I look at it like it's something that's linked to a curse on greed because it's a common thing that connects all of them together. Don't get me wrong, I know that some people don't believe in curses but it's my personal observation over the years with how these companies seem to fare.
  21. "Ah, shit." is even more mild in my ears that "Ah, fuck." or "Ah, fuck me". It's more or less like the word culture for them these days because I'm very sure that they make use of such diction at home.
  22. Yeah, just like I said, it's when games start coming out and we see how it's been done and what's going on in all of them and the ones they fail to release, then we can have a good say.
  23. 2022 is still very young and it's too early to start judging it already when nothing has been done yet. I will revisit the topic later with a better assessment when it's due for it.
  24. You can easily pick out Toy Story 2 on PC and consoles as well. It's a very good prefect example of such kind of games with small characters.
  25. It's actually the same pattern that they are setting up for themselves which is why I wouldn't feel any sorry for them once it begins to cave in on them just like the lawsuits are pilling up.
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