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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. As for as I'm concerned, it's really a must to kill myself trying to complete all of the boss fights that I'm engaged in immediately I get to that stage.
  2. A lot of games that are available on mobile phones are free, it's only few of them that's being paid for in which the free ones are filled up with ads and microtransactions.
  3. Some gamers don't even care about how big their game backlog is but keep buying new games as long as they can afford it. I have so many friends like that.
  4. Some people can be very annoying. When you know that you don't have any good need of one's account, why hack it only to spam with it and get the account banned.
  5. Some of these games that kids are into are really boring most of the time for adults but you can't help it not play with them.
  6. No one actually believed that they would be doing the trash that they did with the GTA trilogy. So, there are no exceptions for these guys.
  7. It's definitely going to be a gaming experience that's worth reliving all over again in my opinion. Some games are really great when they get older.
  8. I'm not sure if most new gamers are aware of the game when it was a really a big thing in the gaming industry when Sega was very popular.
  9. I'm not sure if they made any video games based on the movie Lord of the Rings. Do you have any information on that?
  10. It's actually why Rockstar isn't in any rush to make GTA VI because the 5th series is still paying them so much money than they had bargained for. Making GTA VI now would be a poor marketing strategy.
  11. This looks like a next generation controller in my eyes if you ask me and looking at it closely, it's going come with a lot of tricks.
  12. I think that Red Bull is more popular than Power Horse when it comes to the energy drink that's featured more on global advertisement.
  13. Some games are set up that way to play with the emotions of gamers in a way that it's going to make them feel attached to the game.
  14. Apart from the pandemic of coronavirus that ruined almost everything, I wouldn't call 2021 that much of a bad year in gaming history.
  15. What could be the reason why you are finding it very difficult to adapt to playing God of War 2? Is it the gameplay or graphics or something else?
  16. Level 90 vs level 20 and you guys beat them 10-2. I wonder how they got to level 90 in the first place? 🤔
  17. The only thing that I'm going to chip into this is that too much of everything is bad. There is a way it's going to be used, it would make sense and vice versa.
  18. I think that most users of CDs for both their games and movies or music likewise all used same strategies trying to get the CDs to be readable.
  19. At least Activision Blizzard would be out of the way from the list of horrible game's companies that's going to be worrying us with whatever trash they would be doing with their games.
  20. Sometimes I get to sit and ask questions about what's their end motive in picking up a perfect original game and have it ridiculously downgraded to shambles?
  21. Capcom never seem to learn from their previous mistakes and it's why some of their great games are suffering today with useless remakes that's not necessary.
  22. As long as the game isn't running away or the company not pulling the plug on the game, I can easily play it anytime that's convenient for me.
  23. There are so many other games that were rushed so bad that they become horrible at its launch. Assassin’s Creed Unity is one game that's very notable for being a failure at its launch.
  24. It's actually why some gamers prefer to make use of pro controllers that are wireless lately because it offers them more apart from the batteries dying off.
  25. Even if it's not just the game's companies, anyone company can make a documentary with the guy based on the collection of games and how dedicated he was to achieve that.
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