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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. That's very correct. Some words are very commonly used in some part of the world.
  2. It's why addiction can't really be dropped that easily even when one is well aware of how it affects them negatively, they still can't quit it. I have a friend who's a chain smoker, he's already feeling the effects on his system but still can't stop.
  3. Exactly, there is absolutely no fun in playing video games like that. There is nothing to learn but just have all the work done for you.
  4. Exactly, just looking at what EA and Ubisoft have been doing for years now says it all when it comes to not giving a damn.
  5. I'm alright now. Although, I can still use some recommendations on what to play from time to time. It's not that bad either.
  6. It's actually what's expected of scientific inventors. They are there to do things that others can't think of doing in order to have a breakthrough.
  7. I actually expected them not to be an ass, that they are teenagers isn't an excuse for them to step out of the line and feel justified.
  8. Yeah it's a stealth way of eliminating your enemies and if you don't master it, you will definitely find fights choking you.
  9. I have already shared the game's trailer in another thread which I'm very sure that you have come across it right?
  10. For someone who doesn't stress to get money and have it always given to him or her, they will always be extravagant in their spending.
  11. Reviews are very important when it comes to getting games. It gives an insight into whether the game is worth spending on.
  12. Yeah, it's a good game to the best of my knowledge after having played it out. Depending on what you are looking at getting, it's a nice one.
  13. They break it, they buy it and keep playing with it. That says it all because they can never say that you did them any wrong.
  14. I have even forgotten about this your Football Manager game. I'm surprised that you are still playing it. I had plans to grab it but lost interest along the way.
  15. I really enjoyed playing the game on Sega. Even though it looked better with graphics in Playstation, the Sega experience was far more better.
  16. Unless it's a really professional gamer that can always be ahead in the games even without making use of the tips as they come.
  17. If it's not that it's an indie video game developers, I wouldn't trust anything that's connected to Ubisoft to deliver.
  18. It's definitely off his gaming age, so there is no way he's supposed to know anything about Atari unless he's given a tour or watched a documentary about it.
  19. I'm definitely going to be researching more on the controller in order to understand everything about it and how it supports disabled gamers.
  20. I can't say that I'm surprised at this development. Activision-Blizzard have been in a deep shit for a while now and they are looking for a safe haven to save their rotten face.
  21. Red Dead Redemption 2, The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt and Assassin's Creed Revelations.
  22. You don't seem to watch and follow football well, otherwise you would get to hear it often. Footballers can be crazy at times.
  23. Your savings for the PC that you already checked out isn't yet complete? You should try and see if you can cut down on the specs you're looking for.
  24. I would most likely check it out on either eBay or Amazon and see how much it's going to cost together with the game.
  25. For someone who's very rich, it's definitely not going to be too of a big deal for him to come up within a short period of time.
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