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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. The real question is whether they really meant the apology to begin with because I would hardly trust these companies lately.
  2. Even with their so called apology, it's dented their image in the eyes of their loyal fans who really looked up to them so high.
  3. There is no way you would expect to have it be very used to at your first time of playing with the console's controllers or PC mouse and keyboard.
  4. That's basically the talk here, even if there's going to be some talk, it should be the only thing that's done in the boss fight.
  5. Yeah, the incident in Spec Ops :The Line would definitely get most people feeling guilty from what happened.
  6. It was Uncharted: Fight for Fortune that I played out first when I came across the game before starting back from the first one.
  7. Fortnite is being played for free right now even on mobile smartphone, so it shows how things have come along over the years.
  8. You're absolutely correct with that assessment of how The QuadJoy 3 is used by the disabled gamers.
  9. Everything is all up to Capcom to decide what angle they are going to be following next with the remakes that they are supposed to make and not to make.
  10. Well, the weather might be a bit influencing in hiking and smoking from the looks of it or better still, it's just a random coincidence.
  11. Happy birthday sweetheart. I wish it's possible to throw a little party 🎉 for you to celebrate it. Have fun alright.
  12. I have played some games on my smartphone that allows you such features when it comes to being able to replay completed levels.
  13. Change is something that's very consistent in life. It keeps happening as long as one or something lives and the same thing is applicable in the gaming industry.
  14. Seriously, they never did even after all the calls for it by the workers and investors. They were willing to lose a lot of money to just cover their tracks. https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/21/22795286/activision-ceo-bobby-kotick-is-not-resigning-yet
  15. Definitely, there is no fun in doing that in such manner. If you don't want play the game, it's better to drop it completely and look for something better to do.
  16. Seriously, it's trash what happened with the release of Cyberpunk 2077. They knew quite well that it's not going to be possible with all the rush and they still went ahead..
  17. Just forget about what happened to others or that didn't happen to others and focus on what happened to you and how to prevent it from repeating again.
  18. Seriously, I know that it's a predictable situation thing but it's something that I wouldn't like to have happening anytime soon because of the challenges it's going to come with.
  19. The man is an awful guy in my opinion and it's not surprising that his so called drinks are craps.
  20. Yeah, that's a direct source to pick out gaming friends because no one there isn't a gamer.
  21. Pokémon Yellow is another great game that I really would like to be left alone when it comes to making remakes. It's a perfect game the way it is and a remake will kill it off.
  22. Seriously, game's developers wouldn't be that stupid to make games like that because it's definitely going to irk a lot of gamers.
  23. What's even the company that's making the game Starfield? Let me even look it up and know more about them.
  24. Exactly, it's a playing choice and no one can force you to play what you don't want to play in most cases as long as it's not forced by the game.
  25. Yeah, that's the beauty of having Playstation 4 when it comes to having to play PS5 games on them. You have access like you own PS5.
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