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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. It's not just the old fashioned gamers that feels the same way when it comes to being involved with games that reward and satisfy them.
  2. How's the gameplay so far since you have started playing it? If it's that good, then I will be considering getting it as well.
  3. Wow, that's even more cheaper then what I had originally gotten. I'm definitely interested in making use of PlayStation store to get the game.
  4. I never really like the DMC series that much. Playing Uncharted series was more satisfying and accomplishing for me all round.
  5. Personally, I would never play Fortnite on mobile smartphone no matter how much I feel the urge to play the game.
  6. This doesn't even look too weird in my opinion and the control seems to be pretty easy to understand and make use of.
  7. I quite understand exactly what you mean and feel towards the first part of the game. It's more like it's too scared to me poked for any sort of remakes.
  8. In most cases, it's games that are rushed that end up in such ways because they will lack content to make it the way its supposed to be by all means.
  9. Seriously, the pressure can definitely cause a psychological breakdown if the professional gamer isn't strong enough to handle it.
  10. Aren't most horses stupid until you have them all tamed? I think it's the same with all horses that I have even come across in real life as well as games.
  11. I'm very sure that doesn't work for Apple products. I have tried to use it to reset my friend's phone and it never did anything at all.
  12. Yeah, but seriously I would never make use of the product called OPPO. That smartphone product looks horrible in my opinion.
  13. Well, I believe that everything depends on how long you want to play a particular game at any point in time.
  14. Thanks to the heavens for saving your life. Personally, I'm getting the remaining jabs for my vaccine for the Covid19. I have delayed it long enough.
  15. Exactly, there are some gamers who feel that these tips aren't necessarily good for their game's progress but they are very wrong.
  16. It's actually why I'm very painstaking when it comes to choosing my game's reviewers because I know that there are lots of trash out there.
  17. Yeah, in a situation where the AI poses a good challenge but the resources that you lose keeps getting better and better, the AI wouldn't have it easy with you.
  18. There is a possibility that might be a good reason why they do that. If they can get it cheaper, why not? If they can't play it, they resell it.. It's a win-win situation.
  19. That's definitely going to be one hell of an achievement for you considering the situation you're in, although it's something that you are strong enough to deal with.
  20. Seriously, that's how frustrating it gets when you make the parasitic kind of friends who are just there to suck the life out of you.
  21. The official trailer alone of the Gran Turismo 7 says it all on how good the game is likely to be when it's released.
  22. Yeah, everything depends on how you made use of the gaming hardwares that you have. If used carefully, it's definitely going to last well.
  23. If they eventually make the game, I believe that the John Wick action game would be a masterclass if they do it well. Although, they don't have copy the movie to the latter because that would ruin the game.
  24. That's more like having some boss fight in games that are horribly set up in a way that you feel like it's a total waste of time playing the game in the beginning.
  25. Well, I'm not toxic ever since I started playing games. It's not the games that gamers toxic but their nature itself.
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