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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I used to have Playstation 3 which I have given away. I'm not really sure if I would be open to buying another PS3 when PS5 is looking at me in the market.
  2. @Reality vs Adventurewould bite your head off when it comes to how auto updates for one of his games keeps making life miserable as the system isn't enough for the memory.
  3. There is always a line where they make it naturally hard for you to get by especially when you don't plan how to make use of your resources well.
  4. Yeah, that's how it is for a while now. It's a work in progress and it's sad that virtual boy that Nintendo released didn't get it all right but it showed how it's likely to be in the future.
  5. There is no arguments there about it working well, hell it did. At least as far as I can tell from my experience with it but it sure looks very funny.
  6. After their last spat with their workers and everything that's related with the CEO, I'm currently in hibernation with any of their games in the view.
  7. I never really played the game, although I had it bought but never really did get into it. I might have to check it out sooner or later.
  8. You guys never had another means of connect off the gaming system? This is something that would have been very helpful for you in getting in touch with them.
  9. Yeah, that's right and I'm not really pained that they had to delay the game not at all. In fact, I'm sure they had a good reason to do so and it might be not to mess up the game series of God of war with a trash make.
  10. Yeah, that works for me most of the time and also early in the morning before I go out depending on my schedule, I can easily get some game time for 30 minutes or so.
  11. Well yes, that's one good reason why some games might end up being made like that and it's totally whack in my opinion. If they don't have time for the game, let them postpone its making.
  12. As far as I'm concerned when it comes to video games, there will always be toxic people. In fact, it's not the games that makes them toxic but it's in their nature.
  13. If they later eliminate playing of games on console, it's definitely going to affect most of these companies behind their production.
  14. Oh! I now get what you mean. His acting is a lot more ridiculous than realistic. Like he's mostly untouchable in all his actions thrilling movies.
  15. Yes, that's one particular feature that was instilled in the game that makes it worthwhile because it would have been generally frustrating if such options weren't there.
  16. It's only not going to matter that much to you when you are not a heavy buyer of games as it's not going to be cost effective for you.
  17. Yeah, that's why you'd see some gamers still be very much into some of these old games that were designed and produced right which are fun to play.
  18. A lot of gamers like myself can never be open to start playing any games whatsoever from the easy baby level. I rather not play the game at all.
  19. Of course yes, that's a constant when it comes to gaming fans. There is never a time when we would ever have a concensus on any subject. There are always different views.
  20. Seriously, I can bet that you're not the only one who's been screwed by such set up and it's really very annoying when it happens to you like that.
  21. I think so too which is why I keep wondering what's going with the game. But let's keep up the high hopes and see what happens with the game this year with its release.
  22. Exactly, there is no way you would be able to appreciate anything that plays on screen without good brightness quality feature in it.
  23. Yeah it's something that makes old arcade games stand out very well. Look at the Legend of Zelda series, it remains unique till today.
  24. In that case, then I will not blame any gamer who chooses to skip the content because it's not positioned to make like easy for him.
  25. To be very honest with you, I really understand that very well because I have somehow being in that same situation in the past and it's not a good feeling.
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