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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. The movie - The Supernatural is definitely going to interest you a whole lot since tapping into the paranormal is your kind of thing. I'm not sure if it's got any connection to games.
  2. This sounds really deep. Why do you have such dispositions towards the guy? Have you ever crossed paths with him?
  3. I would really like to read more on that and understand exactly what could be their or his reasons for suggesting that.
  4. It's actually just them reliving their old memories of playing with older consoles that still makes them go back to playing with PS1.
  5. It's something that's likely to happen when they are well aware that they can easily sell the games if they can't play it, otherwise not they wouldn't just buy any game.
  6. The commitments will always be there especially when you are working for a company. You don't really own yourself, so you can be busy at anytime.
  7. There is a slight difference but they both sure looks alike to some extent with their hair color.
  8. Are you going to sell one of the Playstation 3 consoles? You can't play both of them at the same time can you?
  9. Here is short clip of the race track in Rome.
  10. This life isn't balanced at all and it's why we have such situation existing in our gaming society right now as well.
  11. Yes, it's a ship 🛳 sailing simulation game. It's not that too popular but some gamers are really into its playing.
  12. It's their fans that makes it possible for them to sell that kind of games when they aren't even supposed to be purchased.
  13. He probably mistake your opinion on some of the games that you have played to actual game's reviews.
  14. It's never advisable to skip such contents because the tips or achievements you would miss out on it will be very difficult to cover up.
  15. Yeah, even with the discounts, it's something that you can't get easily anywhere to be very frank with you.
  16. He's got a lot of better reviewers to look at and learn from. Review channels like WatchMojo and Co. are there for him to learn from.
  17. It's not anything about being stubborn but doing what's best for me as a gamer and not what others want for me.
  18. Seriously, this always reminds me of my Russian friend who spends a lot of money on games. Just his in games purchases is over $1000.
  19. Exactly, it's going to be too hard to get them to play well. You have to teach them all the basis that's going to take take!!
  20. This is something that you're talking about when it comes to Sail GP simulation games!!
  21. It's still very much expensive from what I saw there. I was thinking that it's something around $20 or thereabouts.
  22. Personally, I think that it's something that's far more better to quit playing such games and rest once and for all from the stress.
  23. God of war Ragnarok is something that I have high hopes on ever since it was delayed from last year, so they have a lot to make up for.
  24. Seriously and I doubt if some of these game's companies would really be kind enough to propagate their old consoles and games.
  25. You don't really have a choice in that situation kind of games as long as you still want to progress on the game.
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