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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. The gaming community is a very much dynamic and divided one. It's definitely going to be very difficult to get a consensus on anything.
  2. As far as I'm concerned, both gaming platforms of PC and consoles are very unique in their own ways which makes them perfect.
  3. The only thing that I'm going to say to you is that prevention is better than cure. If you don't know how it's done, don't do it yourself.
  4. Here is actually a review on gaming while standing or sitting down. What's your take on it?
  5. I do enjoyed watching Mightykeef reviews and especially this one on how difficult it is to play Dark Souls.
  6. This shows how difficult it gets starting out to play Dark Souls for the first time for most gamers!!
  7. I don't know what others are likely into but as far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't get into playing blur games for any reason whatsoever.
  8. I hear you my friend and all your explanation seems to have a lot of doubts checked out for me. I would look at the possibility of getting the remaining jabs.
  9. As far as I'm concerned, there is no fun in playing all alone by myself when I have my cousins and relatives around to play together with and have fun together.
  10. Madden series seems to be a good thing for me now ever since I started having some love for American football.
  11. It's been a while I played Killing Floor 2. A game that's related with biotechnology failed experiment that caused zombie apocalypse.
  12. Rockstar did apologized for what they let happened to GTA trilogy with its production but it's cost them the trust gamers have in them.
  13. That's really a long process if you ask me and it's something that can be cut short and make the life easier for the gamer with the tips.
  14. Exactly, I think it's the first time that I came up to the Twitch gaming platform and ever since I never stopped using it.
  15. Yeah, I have figured that out already and it's not really a big deal. So, don't worry too much about it my friend.
  16. For some gamers, if the game's anesthetics isn't top notch and great, they are never getting into playing the games at all for any reason whatsoever.
  17. Exactly, when they make the bosses to be impossible to have beat, and even to drag it to 3 stage fights, what's there to prove?
  18. Some gamers who are good collectors do keep their old console systems and have it on display. They take pride in their games.
  19. I have already started to make plans on the budget for the games that I'm getting this year and hopefully by next month, I will have that sorted out.
  20. For a game that's on PlayStation 1, that's what should be expected in terms of features and graphics quality.
  21. They aren't that common these days and it's why most gamers are not really committed to playing games like that.
  22. Seriously, in some shooting games, it gets that way with guns upgrade that's going to need points to do it and I lack it most of the time. That's really frustrating...
  23. Seriously, with my past experiences playing their games, it's very understandable why I feel too reluctant.
  24. Yeah, some gamers don't even know what Gamepass is all about and the sooner they know, the better it is for them to save money off their games.
  25. It was actually a very tough time for me playing then because I did had the best beating from my friends who taught and missing scoring opportunities that were hard to come by didn't taste good in my mouth.
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