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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. It's like when you're playing Bloodborne, how can you be relaxed when you are well of how the enemies swarm up on. With less health, you are 100% dead.
  2. Procrastination is the only thing that's going to delay your getting the PC unless the money for it isn't yet available.
  3. It's actually why gaming companies have dropped so many techs with which they used to produce games in the past like FMV.
  4. It's what brightness is all about. I can't picture myself playing blur games, what for?
  5. A friend of mine jumped off into playing GTA trilogy without playing other series and it ruined his flair for the game.
  6. If you still have good use for it, there is no justification for selling it when it would be very important in some of the fights that's coming up.
  7. Yeah, although part of the reason why I really gave out one of consoles was because I had two. So, there is no need keeping both of them at the same time.
  8. Yeah, it's a sure thing as far as I know because when it comes to the gamer at the right time, it saves him a lot of stress.
  9. If there was ever any problem with that, I'm sure if there would be so many video games reviewers on YouTube today.
  10. Funny enough when you stand up in the midst of the tough challenge of the game, it still doesn't change much but still add more pressure to it.
  11. They still play on Sega as their only gaming platform or they hit it one time off from time to time?
  12. Those that makes use of wired controllers don't have anything to worry about when it comes to battery life of their controllers.
  13. I'm very sure that a post about Twitch was made here sometime ago. It's about one gaming community where you can be free from toxicity.
  14. I will try doing that once I get to watch more videos on how to do it perfectly on YouTube. I don't want to mess up anything on my device.
  15. As far as I'm concerned, lack of money is what stop most gamers from adding more games to their backlog. If I have money to buy a new game, why not?
  16. Personally, I think that some games are better on consoles while some are far more better being played on PC. What do you think?
  17. If you have gamepass subscription, you can easily get it at a cheap price. Most of my friends make use of it.
  18. What were you thinking that's going to happen when you posted that? They were just going to warn you or something? It's a straight ban offense.
  19. For someone who's born in the early 80's and started out playing games very early, he or she have played games over 30 years.
  20. He might make use of discord if it's possible to get them on the platform or better still he can easily make new gaming friends from there.
  21. Are you being serious about this? I'm really shocked that in out modern gaming generation, he's yet to get a wireless controllers not to talk about playing with it.
  22. Yeah, that's a fact there. They will always do whatever they please as long as it's something that favors them.
  23. I have never had the opportunity to attend one but definitely I will make out the time to grace one event one day as long as I still play video games.
  24. After the trash Rockstar did with GTA trilogy, there is no way it doesn't need that for sure.
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