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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Here is what he meant by the the use of Berserk skills to get enemies to fight one another.
  2. I can still vividly remember all the goals that I missed out scoring as a result of mixing up pressing the wrong shot button for O button which is tackle and long ball.
  3. With everything currently going through that direction, it's inevitable because the process have already long started.
  4. There are some talks lately about how silly and underperforming Rockstar have been which shows in what they did with GTA trilogy. Some gamers are talking about boycotting them.
  5. Generally, boss fights are not that easy but when they make it look stupid by making it a three level fights to kill one boss, that's madness in my opinion.
  6. Yeah, it's why some people have good followers when it comes to those that have their gaming channels. If they give out games to some people, they will always be there for them.
  7. If you have more than one SEGA console, you can easily give one out. It's old, it's old, there is no need keep two of them at the same time.
  8. Sooner or later, some of the proposed games of 2022 would be coming out and I'm not going to miss out on any of them.
  9. It was actually on my Playstation 1 that I had it played out years ago. I'm not sure if you may still get it now for PS3.
  10. Yeah, such games can't sell well now when compared to what we have in the gaming industry now. Everything is intensified to match reality.
  11. Yeah it's something that happens when you adapt to scenarios and it's normal that you get better at judging some situation and how you react to it. It's why when see they have civilian captives or signs of torture of civilians, you'd kill em all....so that's growth on ya part.
  12. Yeah, it's one game that still pisses me off whenever I do remember it because it wasn't anywhere close the worth of the game with the trash they did.
  13. Seriously, they really letdown a lot of gamers with what they did with the GTA trilogy because no one actually expected it to turn out the way it with our expectations on the upcoming GTA 6.
  14. Yeah, the first time is always a charm. Although it comes with the challenges of learning how to play but generally, it's an exciting experience.
  15. You have a point per say with Markiplier's use of comedy in his reviews. I had to ask a friend of mine for any recommendations and he suggested HistoricNerd. He said he's more like Gaming Historian.
  16. Yeah, I think that you're right there. They are more centered on energy drinks like Monster Energy drink if I remembered correctly.
  17. I brought out one of my SEGA cartridge for my 4 year old cousin yesterday and he was like Uncle what's that? They are very far from what we played in the past and it's only few of them the ask questions towards it.
  18. Generally, it makes the gamer to be at ease when playing because he or she is rest assured that the resources will never get depleted that quickly.
  19. Seriously, you don't even need to stress it because every who's a good buyer when it comes to games would know very well its a fair offer considering when you pay without subscription to Gamepass.
  20. Like their feelings or opinion matter to how others choose to play or something? Seriously, some people are very annoying.
  21. I actually think that it's part of the reason why they still have so many bugs and glitches in the game because they keep messing with the game coding and everything. It's when why it's not perfect.
  22. If it's up to my decision on which one should come out first, it should better be Horizon Forbidden West because Elden Ring is going to be almost like Dark Souls in my opinion.
  23. If the game Horizon Forbidden West doesn't tick all the dot here amongst the best graphically set up games for 2022, I don't know what other games that would be.
  24. Some tech loses its value when a far more better one comes into the picture and it's extremely what happened to the use of FMV (full motion video) in making games.
  25. I wouldn't even bother about playing the game again should they do that. They might be even looking at getting their so called NTFs in the game if care isn't taken seriously.
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