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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I'm definitely not going to do everything by myself though, so even if I have the knowledge to do so, I would still take them to the tech store.
  2. I was actually expecting that counter from you to him 😂. It's just like you both can't see eye to eye on any controversial subjects because this has been a pattern for a long time now. 🚶.
  3. Seriously, good graphics is a constant for me in any games that I play with, if it's not there, the game is already useless to me.
  4. What's the essence of having my voice changed? I really fancy my sweet sexy deep voice the way it is.
  5. Some of my friends used to do that very well and they even do it to me as well but unfortunately for them, they can't fool me that easily.
  6. There is no arguments on that being very lazy as a fat pig as far as I'm concerned because there's nothing interesting in it at all.
  7. It's part of the reason why I decided to call it quits on playing FIFA because it's very obvious that EA have lost it completely with the trash they have been doing with their FIFA games for a while now.
  8. When you take some time off and get back to the game, you might figure out a better playing strategy that will help you progress in the game.
  9. The trailer alone of Bioshock 2 says a lot about how good the video game is. It really pushed me into getting and playing the game.
  10. Exactly, the games are there to be purchased, so once you have the cash to get the games, you can get them and play at will.
  11. This is actually the pattern that I looked out for them to follow-up in most cases. I can't really say that I'm surprised of it or anything!!
  12. If you even see the Nintendo Switch device, you will know very well that it's something simply stronger to smartphone.
  13. Exactly, there is nothing new in what they are making and still charging heavily for the games!!!
  14. When you can easily afford some games that cost less than $10, it's not a big deal to gift it out to some of your friends who would fancy it.
  15. Just an apology? Seriously, that's not going to cut it for me if my family was affected by that trash!!!
  16. It's actually something that's happened to me in the past when I started out as a new gamer. I lavished a lot of money on silly games.
  17. If according to you that glitches aren't the problem of the fifa series, what's the biggest letdown in the FIFA game's series?
  18. Seriously, what's the essence of the vaccine that was produced to combat the virus? Was it all a hoax?
  19. Seriously, it's something that aids the gamers more than it do the gaming reviews channels. Although, they can make money, gamers make them thrive.
  20. Personally, I don't really think that I have actually seen any PC 💻 gamer who's not appreciative of how good the gaming platform is.
  21. I know that you have most likely completed playing GTA Vice City right?
  22. Seriously, it's very frustrating, there is no way two ways about it at all because the progress lost can't be ever recovered.
  23. Seriously, I don't bank on having luck on my side when playing games. Yeah, I believe that luck works but it's something that I don't look up to at all.
  24. Yeah, the main reason why I had to give it away was out of fear it might damage from not being used often.
  25. Not at all mate... There is no way it's going to be possible for me to jump from playing with Playstation 1 to Playstation 4. I'd miss out on so many games.
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