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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Some gamers are really pigs... I'm so sorry to use that description but it's what I have seen so far from the one's that are too dirty.
  2. Yes of course, I have plenty The Last of Us 1 and 2 and I wouldn't give them up that easily because they are great games.
  3. Seriously, a lot of people are getting infected around here and I'm really getting scared about it because I don't want to get infected at all.
  4. Well, one thing that I know about these gaming companies is that they will always keep looking out for their profit making no matter what's going on in the market.
  5. Reviews can't be overrated no matter how it seems. It's always going to be helpful to the gamers who are using it. I really love making use of reviews.
  6. Definitely, the tips are very useful when it comes on time... And at such time, it's going to help with the gamers progress in the game.
  7. Exactly, when the gaming gets too challenging, it's definitely going to be too demanding for the gamer to stick and play while standing up.
  8. Yes of course, it's the first generation of controllers and as such it's inked in the heart of gamers to the extent that they will keep appreciating it.
  9. Seriously, I think that the bugs and glitches in FIFA gets more serious in playing against AI than playing against human player.
  10. Anything is possible in VGR, so don't be too shocked mate!!
  11. From how they have positioned for a while now, it's obvious that they wouldn't last too long in the gaming industry business.
  12. Yes of course, once the resources keeps regenerating, you have the potential to close the game task very easily without much stress.
  13. It's why the level of graphics upgrade seen in video games today are very robust since the use of FMV is halted now.
  14. Once you get too used to making use of wireless controllers, it's always difficult to switch back to using wired controllers.
  15. Ever since I found out about Twitch, I have been having a lot of sources that's very good for me when it comes to reading and watching gamers.
  16. You're definitely going to enjoy your playing time using your new PC 💻 because it's one balanced gaming platform that's been good for as far as I can tell.
  17. This is what I came up with after looking up information on Xbox one accessibility controller for gamers with disabilities.
  18. I have made good friends so far especially from some of the games that I play that's connected to Facebook, although I don't use Facebook that much any more.
  19. If you can get your hands a UPS, it can serve you well in keeping power in your gaming system till you get to shutdown fully.
  20. That's nice... I'm really looking at saving more money this year once I start my gaming purchases for the year.
  21. They wouldn't even get lots of gamers to stick with them and as such, they might sell a little bit but it won't be a big thing.
  22. That's the only way for me when it comes to fixing any of my smartphone especially when I know I might lose data in the process.
  23. I know about making use of resetting the phone factory settings and once I did it in the past, I lost all passwords and including my pictures, songs and video.
  24. I hope that you have been quarantined as soon as possible because you might have other people infected!!
  25. They used to make great smartphone but I can't really figure out why they had to discontinue making smartphone.
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