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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I actually thought that the game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos was available on PlayStation consoles especially Playstation 4 but the otherwise is the case.
  2. Yeah, that's the case from all looks. Although, it sounds odd but I do feel like I understand what she's trying to explain with how the console controller use affects her gameplay.
  3. Take a look at this top 10 sad deaths and tell me what you think of it. Which one's affected you mostly?
  4. Exactly... Is very bad when you over do it. If you play too much, it may affect your eyes if you are too close to the TV and possibly give you cramps, or make you fatigue etc.
  5. What's your plan after building up such a book collection? Do you plan or selling or you have other plans for it?
  6. I'm not sure if it's available on Netflix because I'm not subscribed to Netflix services. If you are subscribed to Netflix, you can check it out yourself.
  7. FIFA doesn't take any chances with banning accounts that are guilty of that. I know how much I really tried to avoid that happening.
  8. Just the email newsletter notification that I get always from those stores like Amazon and the rest can very well keep me updated.
  9. What do you mean by Manual hand flash? How's that done if I may ask because all I know about flashing any device, you will lose all your data 100%.
  10. I have come across this magazine called Tips & Tricks and from the little things I remembered about how they worked, it was always a close call for gamers scores in their contest.
  11. Like I asked in the other comment for you to make sure you are not exposed to coronavirus, so you know exactly what's wrong with you and have it treated properly.
  12. As far as I'm concerned, easy games aren't worth it at all. Why would anyone want the character's to refill or regenerate stamina and health? 🤔
  13. Just like the OP said it's a unique item or items collected, they are definitely not going to put for sale as far as I'm concerned.
  14. I think that a lot of gamers felt bad when the console was discontinued in 2001 if my memory serves me correctly, so they dumped the system.
  15. If you are rap lover, you will definitely love the rap musicians set up appearances that are playable in the game.
  16. Bioshock 1 and Bioshock 2 are the best for me so far. Although, I did enjoyed playing Bioshock Infinite as well especially the game's characters.
  17. Don't say anymore because I saw it first hand with one of old classmates back then. The day I visited his house, all his gaming set up was full of mess.
  18. I hope it's not coronavirus that you're suffering from because it's something that's very rampant now over here...
  19. Some gamers are not really comfortable selling anything they have when it comes to the games they have played. So, I'm not surprised you're same.
  20. Yeah, it's not a news that Samsung products are superb. As for LG, don't really think that they are still into smartphone production now.
  21. Yes of course, I thought that you followed the event? I believe it is Heatman that shared the event full video clip here.
  22. Seriously, I think that it's something that they do for fun and not like they are going to play all the games and have them completed.
  23. I'm not sure if there are games that have already been released this year 2022 yet. There are some proposed games but none is out yet.
  24. Thanks for the update my friend. By weekend, I'm definitely going to check out the possibility of getting that offer gifted to me.
  25. Seriously, getting my own Playstation 5 is a great priority for me this year 2022 more than getting more games to play on PlayStation 4.
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