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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Yeah it's something that's very common with most games when you started out playing any games. It's never easy...
  2. It's actually that easy to get such a cousin because they are hard to get by. I'd cherish my own cousin who gives me that opportunity.
  3. They have been at it for a while and they have been very used to it which makes it easy for them to do it at will...
  4. Being a topper isn't an easy task and it's why some video game YouTube channel find it very difficult to stay off their focus.
  5. I'm not sure if Mission Impossible is available on PlayStation 4. I only also played it on my smartphone and that's it.
  6. I'm not surprised that you took some time off before you got to complete playing the game because it's that challenging.
  7. Exactly, it's why they all keep fading away when they keep messing up with their policies. There is no way it would last long.
  8. I'm actually yet to start playing Battlefield 2042, so I can't really say much on how good or bad the game is...
  9. To be very honest with you, we can't take more than we already took in 2021 in this young 2022. It's very important that things get back to normal.
  10. Yeah, it's how it's been for a long time now. Everything depends on how the gaming fans picks what's been sold to them.
  11. How far with your plans on getting a new gaming chair for yourself? Have you had one checked out later?
  12. I think that the kind of games backlogs that one gets is directly proportional to the kind of games they really like.
  13. It's not surprising that they do this with their characters especially eliminating villains without proper continuation. They simply suck at it.
  14. Wow, that's unbelievable. I know some cases which I saw online but I never got to hear about it killing some users.
  15. It's actually what works for most of them and it's why they keep doing so irrespective of what other people think about their actions.
  16. You can actually get to know more about the game by watching some reviews of the game on either of your favorite channels on YouTube.
  17. It actually helps the company to sell their products well because it's what pushes buyers to push more to what they want to purchase.
  18. Here is the homepage view of WatchMojo. They have over 24 million subscribers. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCaWd5_7JhbQBe4dknZhsHJg
  19. I have a Russian friend who does more than that. He pre orders more than 6 games in a year....and that's excluding all the microtransactions he pays for.
  20. It's always been that way with most adventure games especially when it's a very difficult game like Dark Souls by FromSoftware Inc.
  21. I think it's only the admin that would have the rate ratio of how many people gets registered in a week through his backend.
  22. Generally for gamers, it helped them get some good gaming time with their friends and family but for work and all, it never helped a lot of people.
  23. If you are the kind of person who likes being in doors a lot, the Isolation is definitely going to favor you in a very big way.
  24. Game's newbie and those fanboys are the ones that makes things very difficult for old gamers because they don't know what we have been through.
  25. Yeah, it's something that's most likely to going to happen but the question is how long will it last when most people lose more than they earn?
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