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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. You have dropped playing FIFA 19? Eventually, I believe that more gamers are going to drop this damn game.
  2. One thing that I really hate about allowing kids to play games with my smartphone is that they keep letting it fall. I know how much it cost me to fix my Samsung screen they broke last time.
  3. It's how they spam with their mails that's very frustrating for me. If it's something that comes in once in a while, I might overlook it.
  4. Do take good care of yourself my friend because it's very important that you do so, otherwise you will have yourself to blame.
  5. Seriously, these guys are damnly rich already but their stinginess is out of this world when it comes to denying gamers when they can easily give them.
  6. As far as I'm concerned, knowledge is power and it's something that's very important to know. It might come in handy in the future.
  7. Yeah, there are so many free to download games on mobile phones but when you start playing, the microtransactions will tell you they aren't really that free.
  8. If it's decades ago when things were a lot better, this might be possible but as long as it's now, it's never going to happen as far as I know.
  9. Exactly, it's more like having something that's going to keep linking me to my old gaming experience always.
  10. Yeah, most motorcycle games are always that which is why the likes of you are always interested in playing them all the time.
  11. It's only one of my cousin's that's just 12 years of age but his playing maturing is at its peak like he's 30. I really enjoy playing with him.
  12. Exactly, I can remember one of my cousin's who's a Navy, he hardly sits down for anything, including playing video games too.
  13. Well, one thing that I know about being on the top of the list is that no one stays there forever, you definitely get knocked off your perch one day.
  14. Yeah, if you are within the phase of what transpired, you will definitely be aware of all the gist that went down in it.
  15. Well, that might be the reason for it because personally, it took me ages to get used to the punishment of the game.
  16. Everything gets to its end one way or another.. Although some gets their own speeded up as a result of poor choices with their mode of operation.
  17. Everything you need is there in the forum homepage mate. Here is it below, had to screen shot for you.
  18. I had the game's trailer checked out which was available on Nintendo Switch I guess right? It kinda looks that interesting.
  19. We are definitely going to be in for one hell of a ride this 2022. Hopefully, it's going to be ride we can ride out or rode out.
  20. There is a very big chance that it wouldn't be a fix because most gamers aren't really interested or in support of it. To some extent, some might be open to it but it wouldn't hold much water.
  21. If an adult behaves like a kid when I'm playing with him, it's game over for our playing time because I can't deal with such individuals.
  22. I have a very strong connection with Bioshock 1 and Bioshock 2.
  23. Meaning she feels connected to the console using the wired controllers per say... That's unbelievable!!
  24. Some video games hit differently no matter how much you put effort into getting on with it. It's happened to me a few times.
  25. Exactly, they are meant to get money from the games one way or another and it's something that's been that way over the years now.
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