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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. After watching the movie on Street Fighter, I rushed for the game immediately and kind of liked how it started but I got bored almost immediately with it.
  2. Nintendo Switch is a gaming platform just like Playstation where they have so many games published. Now, the games that came out on either of the platforms in 2021 that didn't get more popularity is what's been talked about.
  3. I have heard about where a gamer had other views towards the subject by arguing that it's not really necessary as trying to make games be time conscious as it will be a simple waste of time.
  4. I have checked it out and it seems to be perfectly good apart from having dusts all over it, I believe that's not going to be a problem.
  5. Yeah, even if he's yet to play it at all, the reviews on the game would be very convincing for him to make the decision.
  6. This is what I found out from WatchMojo on Darkseid vs Thanos: Who is the Better Villain?
  7. Once gambling is introduced officially in video games playing, most people would look at it as making money opportunity which is part of what it's become.
  8. When it comes to what these video games companies can do, I would never rule off anything at all because they are capable of doing anything.
  9. Spec Ops : The Line is one video game that had such kind of horrible effects on my life after watching the horrors it came with against the innocent.
  10. Yeah, I hope the voting goes smoothly as well because I think and from my experience with offline voting, it gets messy most of the time.
  11. I have been thinking about getting more time with playing Ghost of Tsushima and Call of Duty Modern Warfare. I might pick them up all over again.
  12. Playstation 5 is the best thing that's hit the gaming industry till date and with the kind of games available for the platform especially the exclusive games, it's really breathtaking.
  13. I wouldn't purchase any smartphone for my kid for the purpose of playing video games but rather I would get him a Nintendo Switch device.
  14. I really hate those kind of mails and I get to unsubscribe from their notifications immediately I get them knowing well that I didn't subscribe to them.
  15. I had that difficulty with playing Fallout and at a time, I got really irritated by the waste of time it's putting me through with just the games basis.
  16. Here it comes my friend. I hope you like it the same way I did.
  17. Yes of course, they are definitely going to be very aware of PlayStation vs Xbox console wars because it's something that they meet already when they started playing.
  18. No one argues about the kind of money they make from their games. Once they are into producing AAA games, they will be counting their money in millions.
  19. Getting a new controller wouldn't stop you from trying to explore and see if you can figure out the problem by loosing the pad.
  20. Angry Joe is another YouTube review channel that tops the chart for me in terms of the best amongst the best in the world.
  21. At least 2022 isn't yet here and we can't kill it off because we feel the uncertainty that hangs around the unknown.
  22. Yeah, there is no way it's going to be completely free. No company goes into business without thinking of making money and profit!!
  23. I think I kinda like being an average gamer at one point in time because I did played most of my games without pressure back then.
  24. You're very right on point. Their loyalty have shifted a very long time ago and it's long gone to ask for it to be back.
  25. It's been a while since I played any of the Metal Gear series. I think that what happened with the company really affected my preference towards the game.
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