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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I have read online that it puts you in the same position that real team managers pass through when deciding their team selection.
  2. It's actually why I'm not blaming users who are seriously looking for good alternatives to Google but it's proving very difficult.
  3. Some of the GTA games and also Frontline Commando that I used them cheat codes very well.
  4. Some video games are made to be easy while the others are being designed to a big pain in the ass for you.
  5. I saw a guy on Facebook who purchased Playstation 1 and he was busy making a big fuss about it for all to see.
  6. I would definitely find time to do an inventory on all the physical games that I have purchased over 7 years ago and see what I can come up with.
  7. It's just like now that Angry Joe channel is very popular, once he slacks, there are other channels that are ready to replace him.
  8. Wow, you have just reminded me about the game all over again. I actually forgot about it for a while now.
  9. I have a lot of gamers who are all very deep into playing their games on the easy level and there's nothing wrong with it.
  10. Personally, I still miss the good old days of playing on Nintendo 64 and Atari consoles. The experience is worth more than I can say.
  11. Seriously, I really hate updates on games and even any other kinds of applications. Game companies do that all the time all in the name of bugs patches.
  12. If Cyberpunk 2077 came out exactly how it's supposed to be without all the fuss it came with, it would have one of the best games in the world today.
  13. I can easily overlook ordering from any online store where the product is not above $20. Once it's more than that, I'm definitely being very careful about it.
  14. Some gamer are too impatient with games that they can't wait for it to be released officially. It's part of why they rush pre orders.
  15. Yeah it's obviously the case for me when it comes to playing games with wired controllers. Immediately the wireless ones came, I moved on.
  16. I would have to check it out and see if it's still going be playing functional to test out. I would like to experience the game all over again.
  17. This is actually growth in my opinion. Once you hit that stage, you will get responsible by force, whether you like it or not.
  18. I have nothing against those that are into playing easy games as it's something that works for them. So, it's right to respect it.
  19. What a bromance!! @Heatmannominated you and you returned the favor immediately. You both are love birds 😂.
  20. If that's the case then, let's all get all hands 👐 on deck and make it happen right in from of our eyes.
  21. Personally, I don't want it either and it's more like that other gamers feel the same way as well.
  22. Following esports events has been something that's proved to be a hot hit over the years. So, it's very understandable that it's something that gaining more popularity.
  23. There is a possibility that it's something that can happen. In fact, it seems like it's going to be interesting in my opinion.
  24. I would pick Red Dead Redemption 2 and The last of Us 2 to be my best favorite. Skyrim is equally up there too in my opinion.
  25. I have a gaming room set up after having my game set up being in my living room for years. But now, my room is a perfect spot.
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