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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I believe so too. It's definitely going to be all about having the best quality posts that matters much as that helps your website's Google ranking etc.
  2. I was really very surprised about the price Steam put up the game for. I was actually expecting at least a minimum of $50.
  3. Seriously, that GTA trilogy isn't worth mentioning ever in my opinion. It's a whack game from all standard.
  4. I have been following a guy on Instagram and posts a lot of unique GIFs on his page and they are completely hilarious in my opinion.
  5. Exactly, it's part of the fun in playing these games. It's what you get to show up for the time you have invested in playing the game.
  6. This is completely spot on with what I had in mind about something good coming from a bad decision.
  7. Seriously, it's something that keeps getting me bugged over the device misbehaving. I hope it's not being faulty.
  8. I believe that it's definitely going to be almost the same thing with what we have in the past with gambling. But with gaming, you can't print anything.
  9. Was he an engineer or something? Maybe a mechanic? Unless, he likes to play out with most things.
  10. Playstation 5 is definitely going to be a bad ass more than any other consoles at least for now.
  11. Yeah, I equally believe that it's something that can actually help one to learn how to do the configuration of brightness on games.
  12. Yeah, if it's possible to recover lost or corrupted files that easily, it's definitely going to save a lot of people so much stress.
  13. The standing gives you a more sense of seriousness when playing that kind of game. It's been that way for me, I hope it's same for you as well?
  14. Me and FIFA games are completely done and dusted. There is no more love lost or found between us.
  15. That's nice. I still have mine but I haven't used them for a long time now. I will look for it tomorrow hopefully.
  16. Exactly, bad games are sold all day and it doesn't make any news because it's kind of a pattern for them now.
  17. Exactly, it's just like how Rockstar wouldn't be stupid to betray GTA series or FromSoftware Inc being silly to betray Dark Souls.
  18. I have good reasons to believe that most mother's are exactly the same way when it comes to trying to protect their kids.
  19. When you get the knowledge, it's the best thing to put them in a test. If it involves getting to skip the game session that's not worth it, then it's good to do it.
  20. Thanks so much for that my friend. I wouldn't miss out on it at all. I will send you a private message once new game season starts.
  21. What other games have you played that's historically accurate? If you were to rate any, what would it be?
  22. Have they really exhausted everything that they can offer in the gaming industry? I don't think so, but they are being too stingy to spend more money on making games.
  23. Personally, I don't have any problem with their censorship or anything but selling off one's data without their consent isn't cool at all.
  24. I have used some cheat codes back in the past when I was still a fan of them till I learnt better and dropped them completely.
  25. Although, some companies and developers especially Indie developers try as much as they can to make something that's worth it.
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