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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. It's even very obvious that you got committed to other things because even your time online here have dropped drastically.
  2. It's what it is my friend. If they had gone soft on you, by now you wouldn't have gotten to the level you are at now.
  3. Yes, there are free games on most gaming platforms but I personally would hardly get into one's that are free on smartphone because of ads.
  4. If the games that were pre ordered ended up being an interesting game from then, it's going to be an offer that's definitely worth it.
  5. It was actually something weird coming from someone like him but anyways that's history now and he's been educated.
  6. They do make money from it but it's not a guarantee that you will win money. Once your team doesn't do well, you ain't wining.
  7. What could be the very possible way for them to know more about the games that they want to play before getting the games for themselves? I can't really think of anything.
  8. Modern day games can't do that which she did with saving and cataloging her games far back like that. It's absolutely incredible.
  9. What do you think that could be the main reason why game's that are supposed to be released delayed? They don't do that on purpose if you ask me.
  10. I haven't and would never quit any game because it's too difficult for me to break but I might take some time off and come back to playing again.
  11. Risking their money just for the sake of what? I don't buy that my friend. No one goes into gambling all just for nothing..
  12. Kids of this generation are hybrid in my opinion. They seem to have a very quick assessment brain activity that makes their grasp on everything easy.
  13. I believe that it's something that is true what you have mentioned especially with the early stages of Tetris.
  14. Exactly, the maximum hit you would take, wouldn't be too much to kill you because your health bar keeps getting filled up.
  15. Exactly, when you know very well that you don't have much or any need to the pro controllers with your current games being played, there is no need to spend the money on it.
  16. There are some gaming forum sites where that happens a lot. It even goes on in some channels on Discord. It's really awful what these guys do.
  17. It's actually more like having them subscribed when they registered on the site to be getting their newsletter.
  18. It's not that easy for me to get into games too much when it's night time especially when I have priority for my Forex trading at night.
  19. Exactly, it's better to be safe and winning the battle than being sorry and feeling sorry for yourself for letting your guard down.
  20. If you smash it, you're buying it. It's what all my friends that comes to play in my house all know very well. Better keep your frustration off the hardware.
  21. Yeah, it's the way it is. I think there was a time one member labeled you EA stooge but you never really cared about it and still made your voice well heard.
  22. Wow, if I'd sit down in my bed to play any kind of game, I would definitely be sleeping off in a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes. It was even why I had to get a chair for myself.
  23. Some people are just that especially when they are misguided. The most annoying thing about them is that they won't have any valid point but they would still be arguing their heads off.
  24. I actually purchased mine few months ago ever since I got worn out playing with my smartphone.
  25. Once you have the completionist tendencies in your gaming behavior, there is nothing that would be off limit for you to do when it comes to playing games.
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