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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Well, you can start out with what you have currently and if it's that good for you, then you can go for the full version.
  2. Not really, the thing with GTA 6 was that it was never said to going to be released at any particular time unlike this one.
  3. Gamers life have been well affected by the pandemic of coronavirus till date and it's not going to be changing for good anytime soon
  4. Anyone whether it's a gamer or not that have good eyes of taking up a good business opportunity wouldn't pass up such chance.
  5. I actually went back to replay Cyberpunk 2077 all over again and the bugs and glitches in it doesn't seem to be made all better in my opinion.
  6. Yeah, you have a very good point there. Although, there are new products put up for sale on the site but the fairly used ones are more.
  7. If these gamers know all that, why do that still use cheats in their gameplay and even still have the guts to brag about it?
  8. Some games are really that good when it aligns with its historical perspective in my opinion.
  9. For starters, they are games made both by the same company - FromSoftware Inc, so there was definitely supposed to be something similar in them.
  10. Exactly, it's why once you get to play past the stage where skills and how technical you are get you wins using average teams, it's not fun anymore.
  11. Actually, it's something that happens all the time to someone out there who aren't that careful enough with how they save and backup their files. Now, I get that just saving your files isn't enough, you must have them backed up.
  12. Keep on enjoying your FIFA games mate, it's not for me anymore no matter how tempting one makes it to sound. I have moved on.
  13. It's not actually an opportunity that most people can afford to get themselves into doing. I wouldn't mind doing it but it's not coming.
  14. I have good reasons to believe that most games where you get to kill and be killed does push up ones adrenaline.
  15. Some gamers can literally play anything and actually come to defend such games. Look at what game's fanboys are doing in the industry.
  16. That you're not playing some games doesn't mean it's not popular to those who are actually playing them. If you played them, they would be popular to you.
  17. It's a way they get to make more money from the game. There is no way you would expect them to put an end to it.
  18. I was actually going to get the game L.A. Noire because I never played it once and when the trailer was posted here, it seems that interesting.
  19. Well, I think that everything is dependent on what the developers are willing to allow be functional between the use of blockchain technology in games.
  20. If the game tutorials are not that very important, it wouldn't come in all the games that gets produced over the years. Tutorials are a constant in games.
  21. It seems like a game that can bore me quickly when I get to play it for a while because I would easily get used to the chores in the game.
  22. I have good reasons to believe that just most people in the forum that are quite active are well informed in most of games that they are more into. Everyone has got something good to offer at every point in time.
  23. And he almost kicked out teeth in as a result of that. Although, it's kind of fun in a way to me. @Crazycrabyou're a great guy, don't mind us one bit.
  24. Here is top 10 fan's games that were actually supported by developers according to WatchMojo.
  25. Seriously, 2020 has been a huge mess that most people haven't recovered till now and the year is almost over.
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