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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Exactly, a passion project much describe it very well. It's even priceless in my eyes because I don't know to even place value on the game.
  2. Yeah, I know better now which is why I really fancied my decision not to play the game FIFA series any more since they can't be able to milk me anyone if I don't play.
  3. What's the gameplay of Rust like? It's kind of the very first time that I'm hearing about the game? What gaming platform is it available on?
  4. Underestimating a female gamer who's my friend actually because she was a female was the most silly and stupid thing I ever did because she taught me a very big lesson.
  5. It's actually why a lot of people are off playing most online games and Battle Royals likes of games that are full of loophole to screw my opponents with it.
  6. The game God of War Ragnarok was supposed to be released around September 2021 but was delayed. It gave room for gamers to pre order it now as well.
  7. When they would still eventually force me to update the game, there is no need to keep it lagging and wasting time.
  8. Planning out a gaming strategy for a new game which you never played would be what the brain is meant for and by not using the brain, you are making useless.
  9. Lockdown and locked up ; I don't really think that they are both the same thing per say but I do get what you are trying to say anyways.
  10. I'm very sure that in the end, it's all as a result of high rate of unemployment that's pushed a lot of people into gambling prospects over the years.
  11. It was actually supposed to be released September 2021 but it was delayed to 2022. There isn't any specific date yet but it should around February to May.
  12. I have good reasons to believe that this is actually true because there are some kids that are very sharp to catch up on everything that easily.
  13. It's just like Tetris 99 that's been around for nearly 40 years and it's still booming shows how good they did with the game.
  14. For a game that's supposed to take you 100 hours to complete as a result of running out of health, would be made possible to be completed in less than what it's meant to be.
  15. If your current pro controllers isn't giving you any challenges, I don't see any reason why you would want to have them replaced.
  16. When you have 2 new generation consoles ahead of your current playing console and you were forced to add up so many games to catch up but your memory won't agree.
  17. Playing games in a particular way is a thing of preference, so it's all about how one wants to play and you can't change that.
  18. Yes of course, a friend of mine actually put his Nintendo 64 for sale on eBay just last week.
  19. Most gamers who shop online a whole lot wouldn't likely miss out on the Black Fridays offers as they are always updated.
  20. The Last of Us 2 really boosted a big number of locations where you have access to all the collectable items in the game.
  21. Nights are meant for sleeping unless I have something that's bothering me to cost me my night sleep, then I can be awake playing games.
  22. Till date, I'm still looking for whoever would have a different opinion on how difficult the game Dark Souls was so I get exactly how he or she played.
  23. As much as they are not making it to be any easier for you, all they are actually doing is making learn the games the hard way which is the best way to learn in my opinion.
  24. Definitely, you needed something more precise in your combat to be able to make a headway in playing the game Dark Souls.
  25. I really wonder how gamers coped back then when there isn't much reviews on games that people play games blindly?
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