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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. It's actually the only best way to get to be very serious about learning how to play and get better in the game. Am I correct or not?
  2. There is no way you would expect it to be easy for you to recover from the data loss as long as you didn't or never had them backup in Google cloud or another source.
  3. The Fall Guys - the indie developed game. It's one good game in all round set up. Interesting gameplay and proper graphics.
  4. Just like spending their money on the games that they play isn't any issues for them. They can sit and burn up over $1000 on a single game.
  5. Maybe he doesn't know that after all. Not everyone even makes usd of Google Cloud to save or even backup their files lately.
  6. If they like, let them all do their blame game as long as they want and I wouldn't still care about it one bit.
  7. Yeah, that's usually the way it with single player mode, you can go at it which ever way you want but as for the online mode, be ready for the real battle.
  8. Pre ordering games is a personal decision that can't be influenced if you are not going to prove the otherwise for the gamer who wants to place the pre order.
  9. For a game that sells for $72.99 it should stir up a bit of a dust in my opinion. Is the money worth it, I don't really think so.
  10. Do people still actually try to mine cryptocurrencies today especially when they do it with their smartphone?
  11. It should be there about the same time within the next years just like you have been making use of your own chair.
  12. It's actually good to try out somethings once in a while to have the real experience of what it's like to be in that position.
  13. For now, there is no official release date for the game in 2022. There is nothing concrete from Blizzard, so let's wait and see.
  14. From one the sources that I make use of, it was stated to be released on 25 February 2022. Let's see what happens by then.
  15. As far as I'm concerned, it's always a good idea to make use of tutorials because you have nothing to lose making use of them.
  16. Decided to play a little of Tetris 99 on Nintendo Switch this morning. It's quite an intense game in my opinion.
  17. It's the laughing man GIF for me, his laughter is so funny with the way he pulled back his head that it got me cracking hard.
  18. They spend most of their time in games already at work, so even if they are going to be playing, it wouldn't be that much.
  19. It's actually available on PC, so it's definitely going to be easy for you to get into it while at work unless your job doesn't allow you be on PC.
  20. I didn't expect anything less from what happened there.. 😂.
  21. For those who feel they have something to prove in getting the game, they should do so by all means because I'm not going to discourage them.
  22. With how YouTube video games reviews channels makes it easier for one to getting almost every single details is what I really love so much about it.
  23. I do that always because an information from multiple sources that correspond is far more credible than one from a single source.
  24. Absolutely an excellent and great piece of game. I'm not surprised why they are still being able to push the game franchise till date.
  25. Is that possible to do on that game God Hand ? I don't really think it was possible for me when I actually played the game some years ago.
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