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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. It's never fun for me playing games from lower level of difficulty because it's not educational for me with nothing to learn.
  2. You're definitely going to enjoy it because it's very strong compared to other kind of screen protectors.
  3. You can always get those old generation consoles on Amazon or eBay. Just like Atari Jaguar, it's available on Amazon.com.
  4. The one good thing is there will always be another Black Friday always, so even when you missed out this year's own, you will next year.
  5. Although, I did found out that there are some gamers who have completionist tendencies that do still have their peace when they get what they want.
  6. Yeah, for now I haven't seen the game being sold cheaper at any other place, so steam is the better option for now.
  7. Another good game from Blizzard called Diablo 3 is one good online game that you can always enjoy any day or time.
  8. The inquiry was never about whether or not you enjoyed playing games at night for God's sake but about the beeping sound the console makes.
  9. How can you not know the Dark Souls was not a single game? The series started from Demon souls till it came to Dark Souls.
  10. As long as you have the means to purchase the console that you want, it's always going to be easy for you to follow the pattern of what your friends do.
  11. Funny enough there are so many insane gamers who are always willing to pay the $60 for any of these games when they are released.
  12. I'm not sure of the specific day or month the game was supposed to be released but let me make inquiries and update you.
  13. Some gamers are so good that they hardly look out for the game's tutorials especially if it's a game that seems similar to what they have played in the past.
  14. I returned back to playing Diablo 2 last night and I had a great time with it for the record.
  15. What are you talking about my friend? FromSoftware Inc was never the company that made Ghost of Tsushima.
  16. I don't see the possibility of making money - real cash from playing games as for now unless it's play to earn crypto.
  17. You can still have a wonderful playing time with ordinary controllers and upgrade to pro controllers when you have the money.
  18. Exactly what I had with my boy. He's always very stubborn to the point I feel like he's copied all that I used to do. As for the girls, they are more calm.
  19. Twitch is as good as YouTube. I have account on both of them and their contents is always very interesting and fully supported.
  20. Clash of Clans never really made it for me as a big game. I tried it out just once and that was it finally with me. Diablo Immortal will definitely be a big heat.
  21. Truth be told, that's their biggest mistake with the game. If they had done it by themselves, it's never going to be half as bad.
  22. It cost approximately $10 on Aliexpress, so it's not that too expensive. I never checked it out on Amazon.
  23. I'm definitely choosing Bloodborne Skin. I currently checked it out on Aliexpress and it's available. I just might be ordering it.
  24. It's actually a little bit expensive when I purchased it. I think it should be around $430 plus shipping fee added together.
  25. Choosing @The Blackangel would have been the obvious pick but her being a mod now seem to give her an extra added advantage, so I'd like to level the ground and choose another. No hard feelings my dear, you're still wonderfully appreciated. So, I'd nominate @Heatman, let's see how far the battle goes. Good luck to everyone!!
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