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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I don't usually decide on how good a video game would be based on the game's trailer alone. The reviews on the games does a more better job.
  2. Competition in the use of microtransactions really? Instead of being competitive in some good that would benefit gamers from playing, they would be doing trash.
  3. It's actually why I'm very selective of the kind of games that I play with my family members especially my smaller ones.
  4. After hearing about the game from you a while ago, I have just recently downloaded the game but yet to start playing.
  5. That's one thing for sure, if you aren't learning or having a great deal of fun, what's the essence of playing to begin with?
  6. Seriously, I'm all in for the big sized TV screens because it gives me a better gaming experience than using a small ones.
  7. I do agree with you on this that some games would definitely have to be historically accurate for it to make sense, otherwise it's going to be a total waste of time.
  8. Really? I did felt some kind of connection and similarities with how both the movies was made in terms of its mechanics and set up.
  9. If the option to skip is always there for gamers, I believe that most of them would definitely pick that option and get it over with.
  10. No need for getting cranky on me mate 😂. Alright, you wrote it yourself... I give up, you have won.
  11. Well, you have to move onto another kind of game that might be something similar to the game Path of Exile - Scourge as a possible replacement.
  12. You make use of your monitor when you are gaming on PC as well, so you still gets fixed on a screen too. So, what's your point on this?
  13. Yeah, I now get it that some gamers are affected by some games set up differently and it's the case with you on that set up.
  14. You're very welcome my friend. After seeing that review of the game, do you think that it's the kind of game you would like to get into?
  15. Yeah, although there some games that I wouldn't play with my younger folks because it might end up messing up their head.
  16. Seriously, those gaming industry knows how frustrating that gets when you are made to wait or pay and they still keep forcing it on their games.
  17. Regrets are something that aren't to be encountered or encouraged in the life of gamers because it's going to mess up your playing flair in a way that you might quit gaming entirely.
  18. Seriously, it's something that gets really very annoying when you keep failing at the same thing over and over again. It would make you feel like you're not up to the task.
  19. The most important thing now is that he's been well informed about the game that needs to be played once you're into RPGs kind of games.
  20. I'm not sure if it would override on the same console or PC. There wouldn't be an option to purchase it twice is what I think.
  21. There are some things that not everyone can get into and it's why I know very well that streaming ain't my thing.
  22. I have actually had that same feelings about them for a while but I had to move on from it as it's not worth my stress.
  23. They are not even anywhere near being satisfied with just having the games being purchased. It's why the use of microtransactions is a constant.
  24. GTA Trilogy is a very big mistake that Rockstar would really wish to scratch out the face of their history. If they knew it's going to turn out the way it did, they would have stopped it.
  25. I have reasons to believe that some gamers are side blinded by their loyalty to some of these games companies as a result of their fanning them.
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