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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. The world and technology never stood still, so there is no way you would expect the game's graphics to still be the same thing till now.
  2. I would rather dash the money to the orphanage homes than pay to play games and win. It's not how I play my own games ever.
  3. Depending on the kind of games that you play with the controller on your Playstation 5, is what's going to determine how long it lasts too.
  4. According to WatchMojo, here are the 10 best video games developed by FromSoftware Inc.
  5. It's been so long since I have played any of the game Pac-Man series. I think that it's high time I purchased the Pac-Man 99 and give it a try.
  6. Yeah it's something that I have tapped into too but it's more like getting off the game and jumping into social media sites.
  7. I have been doing that for years now with so many other reminders as well and it works for very good.
  8. I didn't get to watch this ceremony when it took place, so I'm definitely going to spare the time to watch everything here.
  9. There is huge truth in this assessment because if there isn't, there is no games that's going to still come with bugs today.
  10. Yeah it's costly but it's a cost that's really worth it by all means necessary. It's going to increase your gaming experience in ways that will blow your mind.
  11. Exactly, it's why they are still both sold in the market for those that fancy any of them by making it available.
  12. My immediate sister is a nurse and she hardly ever have time to play video games at all. Whenever she's free, she prefers to sleep then play games.
  13. That's the only thing can help you with not being rusty when you play with either the PC controllers or PS one's whenever you do.
  14. For now WatchMojo is my number one go to when it comes to looking for video games YouTube reviews because they have been exceptionally good over the years.
  15. Over here in Singapore, it's been used to a very considerable extent, although it's not as it used to be in the past.
  16. That's practically why most people are going through with not pre ordering games till they are 100% sure it's free from trash.
  17. No sane gamer would decline that option or offer because it's not even at work to play games, as it's something we do mostly for fun.
  18. Yeah, M. Verstappen beat L. Hamilton to the 1st position this time around in the Abu Dhabi GP.
  19. Yeah, I guess that might be the case. Since Playstation gamers own consoles from PS1 to PS5, so why not with Sega consoles too?
  20. I have actually been asked a few times to go and leave a good review of 5 star 🌟 on Google play store by a product.
  21. It's why I have been playing with my friend's PS5 for a while now ever since he purchased it. I do visit him mostly on weekends.
  22. I actually expected it to be even more expensive than $157.99 to at least a minimum of $200. It's still a fair price.
  23. This would be something that might scare some gamers into getting into the game's with gambling features when they are not convinced to win.
  24. Deathloop has been a 2021 game that I have been playing for fun at least for now on my friend's PS5.
  25. If you completely upgrade to playing games on PC, then you don't have anything to worry about getting PS4.
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