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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I have a feeling that getting something from the future would be more thrilling because as for what's in the past, it can be researched into.
  2. Personally, I know for sure which is 💯% sure that I'm never going to pay them that but I can't say for other rich kid gamers out there!!
  3. You have been a way for a while mate!! I hope you are cool or did you go off in game rage to wake up now and get back to us? 🤔
  4. I have played quite a number of them and it's not really a big deal for me like the way Candy Crush pisses me off!!
  5. I have a good reason to believe that we all love it when someone's flirty in a sexy way and it's why a lot of people fancy the flirty character of Alcina Dimitrescu...
  6. That's actually how it happened to my own sofa some year ago. I think that I still have the picture on my smartphone. Yeah, I do, just look at it!!
  7. Even when it comes to information on when there is Black Friday/Cyber Monday's, I really try as much as possible to get the right information, otherwise it's over before it started!!!
  8. Personally, I have encountered that on more than one occasion when my internet connection was a shit show, it really ruined stuffs for me.
  9. Exactly, it's why most people who are into YouTube channel running are finding it very difficult to have their channel monetized.
  10. If they shifted the game's release to a future date, there really wouldn't be any issues to it at all but only they delayed the game and that's it!!
  11. Exactly, the Final Fantasy 7 Remake was incredibly amazing game. Even if you never liked any FF games, you will definitely like FF7 Remake.
  12. It was in 2018 that it won the award. I think it scooped more awards after that as well!!
  13. Even though Cyberpunk 2077 later was patched up a bit, I'm still feeling a little bit sore with what they did with the game.
  14. Seriously, thanks so much for sharing this with us because I'm gonna share it with a friend of who have doubts pro controllers!!
  15. Yeah, I have good reasons to believe that it's true why the wireless console's controllers were ever made but also for gamers comfort.
  16. There was never a time that I had to play my video games all alone when my little brother was still living no life the life conditions.
  17. Which one do you think would be more difficult to do? Getting back to using console controller after using Keyboard and mouse for 10 years and vice versa?
  18. I would really like to get back to playing The Punisher on Sega console but I don't have my Sega any more.
  19. It is actually the reason why I prefer to play video games that are very much difficult in it's general gameplay, that I would have to adjust if I want something a little bit easier.
  20. I believe that to a very great extent the level of lasting that your PlayStation controller is going to last in its power determines how you make use of it.
  21. In essence, what you're trying to say is that everyone is supposed to be blamed for each of their own individual decision and actions in what happened.
  22. This is something that I very much agree with completely because even if you check out what's going on right now a lot of people and no longer into making use of CDs.
  23. I don't really think that going to be very successful in doing that by preventing kids from getting involved into video games betting because these children are so smart these days they can find a way to breach anything that is set to prevent them.
  24. You going to grab that it is something that is going to be entertaining for you to do with your friends when you all gather together to play doing the Christmas season festivities.
  25. Personally, I also do get that feeling as well because I know that if it's something that's those developers can control and make an excellent video game they would do it in a heartbreak because it is actually what their work was supposed to be.
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