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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. He should have bought at least a minimum of 10,000 games, then there is a chance he might enter Guinness book of record.
  2. The repetition of same thing over and over again in video games is something that really annoys me so much especially in games that lack content depth.
  3. Why wouldn't I open mouth eeh? When it's something that's got to do with cheating? I'm definitely going to open the mouth wider in awe!!
  4. We all have our preferences when it comes to games that makes our top best 5, 10, 20 and so on.
  5. Personally, I don't really consider Minecraft as a game that I would get into because after my very few trials and playing it some years ago it never really worked out at something that I'd love to play.
  6. I believe that they are expected to follow an instructions to do their job but it doesn't stop them from actually improvising and getting something that is very good for people to enjoy in the end.
  7. You have already heard that I bought it myself which means that there are some other gamers who also are in the habit of buying the kind of console as well.
  8. I really enjoyed playing this game as well with my junior brother who was my playing buddy back then. We really had a great time playing together.
  9. That has actually led to what we are still suffering from today in the hands of these game's companies because they don't really care much about us.
  10. Personally, I understand kind of feeling when I try to started playing Mario Kart on Nintendo 64 back then which was a very good sensational of feeling.
  11. They are actually the ones that these video games companies have been inflating the prices of video games and every other kind of microtransactions that they include in the video games.
  12. Some reviews can actually be true while some are not but according to what I saw on Google Play store when I wanted to download the video game it seems like it's a very good one.
  13. I'm actually not really surprised because a lot of people don't even know what the gaming system Atari looks like so they have to be shocked whenever they see it.
  14. If these video games companies actually plan on getting gambling actively into video games, I believe that there is nothing that would be able to stop them because they are capable of doing anything.
  15. It is actually what the mind is made for because you ought to make use of it very well than access whatever thing you need to do in a game that you want to play in order to know how to play it perfectly.
  16. If video games reviews are not made in such a way that they add more value to the game by trying very hard to explain to gamers exactly what they need to understand about the game then they are not really useful.
  17. If you want to learn when you are very new to any video games, the game's tutorials are dedicated to you because you can't do without it.
  18. My brother pre ordered Cyberpunk 2077 and one EA game that I can't recall the name, I think it's Battlefield 5 or something, and they both never ended well.
  19. That would be just killing yourself by yourself dead on. It's never going to end well for you because the game will really screw you up big time.
  20. The dirt track is one of my favorite amongst all the map in the game Forza Horizon 5 especially when it rains, it feels so real.
  21. Yeah, I have watched the new Suicide Squad movie, the one both John Cena and Idris featured in but I really liked the one Will Smith featured in. The one Will Smith featured 👇👇👇👇👇
  22. Yeah, that looks pretty interesting. I just rewatched the movie The Suicide Squad last night, the one Will Smith acted and it's quite fun. Let's see how the game would link up with Kill the Justice League.
  23. In some games, it's very good to socialize because it's the best way to learn the things that you wouldn't be able to learn how to do on your own.
  24. Looking at the review of the game by Gamespot shows how the game's development came up so far - the good and bad.
  25. Well, everything depends on the source from which you are getting your information that will make it be something that you can believe and trust or not.
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