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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. It's something that happens every now and then, so I know immediately it's what's up when you complained about not reaching the site.
  2. That's something which is very consistent with hard work. There is no way it's not going to pay off when you give it your all.
  3. Yeah it's something that puts the gamers in a place of suspense they wouldn't rest to know what's going to happen next.
  4. I was really shocked to hear he's yet to come across the game but anyways, he's got all he needs now to make his plans on the game.
  5. Exactly!! It's what's expected of them. In fact, they are supposed to be the one's that are supposed to teach the kid gamers how to behave and react.
  6. I know very well that God of War would definitely be amongst their list of best top 10 game's series with how good the game has been.
  7. They look like a new channel, not as popular as WatchMojo but their review on this looks interesting.
  8. They are quite expensive compared to other alternatives, so they are supposed to be something special.
  9. This is actually why all more for wireless controllers because I really need to stay away from my TV to avoid my having eyesore problems.
  10. The reason why doing this is very important is because not all have families to bond with. A friend of mine is an orphan, he's literally all by himself.
  11. Maybe he's got a long nails in all his 10 fingers which would be the first to hit the keys before the base of the fingers.
  12. These games fan boys are the real reason why game companies have slacked so much in what they offer us to play today.
  13. It's actually how I felt when I was playing Dark Souls. The lesson the games taught are still fresh in my memories.
  14. As long as the gamer is completely comfortable with the reach of the wired console controller, he wouldn't bother having the wireless ones.
  15. Sadly enough, they still made their money from the game. Now, the question is who is to be blamed for this?
  16. We hardly see old school gamers today because of the way the gaming industry have evolved over the years and it's why they are trying to move away from CDs.
  17. Imagine instead of having fun with your games and you ended up being pissed and aggravated.
  18. That's it exactly why I believe that so many gamers would still be all in for the upgrades to me included in games.
  19. It's still amongst us and any money we raised would still be used for all of our entertainment. So, it's a win win situation for all.
  20. That priority is no more there for the gamers as they have so many more customers they don't care about what some of them craves for in games.
  21. I have more than 200 games currently in my backlog and funny enough I'm still buying more. Looking forward to getting Elden Ring!!
  22. Oh, the board game. Not been a good fan of board games but I fancy this one.
  23. They always serves as a big way out when it comes to what that are capable of doing for new gamers in games that prove to very stubborn.
  24. Really? I have never done that, it's why I was lost at it when you mentioned it.
  25. It's not been too long since I started playing this game Forza Horizon 5 but it looks like something that I would like to finish soon.
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