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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. For now, it's the FIFA games series for me that I have completed called it quits and no one is going to change my mind.
  2. It gets to me when they are made the scape goat because they are the one's to be called out first once the game doesn't go well.
  3. Do people still purchase Nintendo 64 today?
  4. Some games have a kind of nostalgia feeling for us because of the impact it had on us when we played it out. There are so many games that makes me feel that way.
  5. That's why most of the time, these developers don't really have a choice in what they are producing because it's what they are asked to make that they do.
  6. Decided to take up Square Enix Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy for a little ride. I kind of enjoyed it in a way.
  7. It's always nice getting to see your family do the same thing which you really enjoy doing yourself. It's my grandfather that's my playing buddy when I was still a kid.
  8. No gamer would adjust positively to the kind of aggressive approach with microtransactions used in games today. In as much as it's very common now, it still sucks!!
  9. Exactly, it was how I got to see the game and decided to download it. Hopefully, it's not something that's going to make me regret.
  10. If I had that Atari, I would have it on display where all would see it once they enter my home, just to show them how old school I am with video games playing.
  11. We can only tell what would happen once they start it officially, otherwise we can only keep to our speculation of what might and might not happen.
  12. 2022 is almost around the corner, so whatever plans you have, you should be working on getting it in place as soon as possible.
  13. We have to encounter stress in almost everything we do, so it's why having a moment of relief is very important and it's why Angry Joe does matter.
  14. Every video games come with one. It's how the tutorials comes in that makes it something that can be used relatively often or not.
  15. Some gamers have been in luck with some of their pre orders of games when it goes well but not most of the time.
  16. That's why when I'm some down mood or feeling awkward, I tend to turn to gaming most of the time and it really helps me very much.
  17. It's only when you have mostly the game's soft copies that it's going to hard to purchase it twice on the same console.
  18. Yeah, that can actually work as well looking at how gaming have progressed over the years.
  19. Exactly, and that's why when the staffs and even gamers turn on them as a result of their crap aggressive approach to making games, I don't care at all..
  20. Between playing the ones from the old or the ones from the future, which one do you think would be more fun?
  21. Forza Horizon 5 is the racing game that I have played most this year 2021 as it offers incredible features compared to other racing games.
  22. I will definitely be doing that as well because I do have the Ghost of Tsushima copy already. So, I'm not going to miss out on the Legends!!
  23. Something like that is always very common on social media, so I'm not really surprised at all with how it went through.
  24. Yes exactly, they brought it all upon themselves, so whatever consequences it comes with, they definitely deserve it.
  25. The tutorials are very helpful when it's used in the right way because it's going to give you all you need to play the game with more information on it.
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