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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. You should just wake up from the dream world because that's something that's never going to happen no matter anyone says.
  2. Exactly, it's not just blank hilarious reviews but it comes in bit from time to time. If it's just hilarious reviews, it's gonna turn into a comedy.
  3. I figured that out as well immediately the link worked from my end. So, it was very obvious that it's something to do with his internet.
  4. Wtf!! Are you seriously kidding me right now? You are the very first gamer who have played Final Fantasy series that doesn't know about the FF7 remake.
  5. Exactly, there are more games out there which can offer you a big sense of accomplishment then doing a boring thing over and over again.
  6. I have had my own share of raging over how my gameplay went and I have grown over it. It's a thought past gone for me.
  7. Most of the time when I want to laugh a little bit, I make use of Angry Joe's reviews because he's got a huge sense of humor.
  8. If you have the capability to change the field of view, then it's something you shouldn't be worried about too much because you can always have it as you feel comfortable to play.
  9. What do you mean by simply coding whatever ??? I don't really get exactly what you are trying to say..
  10. This has been going all for years now and it's become a tradition in the gaming industry it seems like it's something normal.
  11. It's what adds the flair in the game for you whenever you get into it basically. It may have you feeling edgy sometimes but it gets the job done for you.
  12. That's how I feel towards my games over the years and it's been a good part in my set up because it affords me the time to strategically play my game.
  13. The truth is that gamers do that all the time and it's become part of them in a way that they can't really be able to help it out.
  14. Exactly, they have been so good with their reviews that gamers can't do anything when it comes to games without checking them out for their insight on the game.
  15. That's the point right!! These guys work based on the instructions that are given to work with, so basically no blame falls on them.
  16. When people are all stuck in doors for months, they are definitely going to look for a way of escape and it's why they all resorted to games.
  17. I have already stacked up the games that I'm going to play this Christmas with my family and friends. It's definitely going to be a great time for all of us.
  18. Even if kids don't manage to control their feelings, it's very understandable unlike when adults lose their cool too quickly.
  19. It doesn't really matter the game in question because we are all entitled to favor a particular game and be well committed to it than others.
  20. Exactly, it's more like doing what your boss ask you to do. You don't really have any choice but do exactly what you are being told.
  21. Exactly, that's one of the biggest challenges most game companies faces today when it comes to not being able to get in the game's originality in play.
  22. On analyzing the trailer, it seems like it's going to be a hell of a game if they maintain the plan they have on ground with making the game. We will only know once what's done is done.
  23. As long as which ever way they get to take the game's concept from gives me the full satisfaction I need from it, then there is nothing to be picky about.
  24. I'm very sure that in the end, the company is going to suffer heavily for what they did to their workers which has become a public knowledge.
  25. For the fact that the community is known to be very toxic should tell you what you need to do which is to try as much as possible to avoid getting involved.
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