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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Yes of course, I can play it but for me to do so and enjoy it well, I have to start all out again from Duke Nukem and Duke Nukem II.
  2. You can always do your CDs inventory and know exactly what numbers of games that you have already and the ones you are yet to complete.
  3. There guys are capable of anything in my opinion because how we seem them regress over the years, they are well capable of more than doing gambling.
  4. That's what Christmas is all about. You hang out with your friends and family more and catch fun together to enjoy the festive season.
  5. Exactly, there is no way you would expect the quality of games on consoles to be the same thing with what you have in smartphone. It's not possible.
  6. When an adults does it for what he felt being done hard for in games that he played isn't worth it for his age.
  7. They are thinking about the money they are going to make from the game and not the bugs that need to be fixed.
  8. The link works just fine with me. I think that it's something to do with your internet connection.
  9. @Heatmanthanks for providing the update for him which was Angry Joe. His reviews are filled with some humor too.
  10. FromSoftware Inc did an excellent job with what they had cooked up with Dark Souls, so it's normal for gamers to have good faith in them with Elden Ring.
  11. Most of these cords are short which gets you to sit closer to Television and it's not safe for your eyes.
  12. They are the ones that invented the use of microtransactions, so by right they are supposed to be the one that benefits from it.
  13. Most new gamers would never skip the tutorial content because they can't do without it as they are still very new to the game.
  14. Truth be told, every gamer wants to be just like that when it comes to being able to buy what they want when they want it... PS5 calling!!
  15. They are the real deal with it comes to learning how to play because once you get to copy their techniques and strategies to games, you will have it easy.
  16. Even though Fallout is filled with bugs and all manner of glitches, it's still almost among my best series.
  17. Well, ain't that a big thing of shame for a game like Fallout franchise to be such a disgrace?
  18. Yeah it's free. If you have Ghost of Tsushima, you can download the Legends free of charge. https://www.pushsquare.com/guides/ghost-of-tsushima-how-to-play-ghost-of-tsushima-legends-co-op
  19. Gamers never know how and when to say no that enough is enough with what they are being given by those horrible companies.
  20. She's definitely buying a me a brand new PS5, otherwise it's going to be war between us too.
  21. Yeah, that's the essence of having the controller that comes with longer cable because it allows them to play like they are using wireless.
  22. Exactly, just like they do with their FIFA games and its bugs/glitches which made me quit the game now with all pleasure.
  23. Probably because the game has been selling so much and they have a very huge fan base which makes them not to really care about allowing such a number of bugs in their game.
  24. I actually think that the most important thing to do with this is being into playing the video game that you really like because if it's not you are definitely going to get bored and fatigue with playing that said game.
  25. Seriously, just like a lot of gamers who are yet to purchase PlayStation 5 are eager to lay their hands on the physical cash that is needed to buy the game.
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