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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Yeah, I was actually addicted to the game back then. I had to be beaten on several occasions as a result of not doing my chores because I was playing games.
  2. A lot of gamers are like this and it's something that's very interesting in my opinion because they get to experience more than they bargained for.
  3. That really must have sucked so bad for you with having all your expectations dashed with having the wrong product sent.
  4. The bugs in Fallout 76 aren't that chocking on the game by making it unplayable. It's why there isn't much fuss about it.
  5. This is something that happens when you are very careless with how you make use of your controllers. The shock always damage the hardware.
  6. Not everyone is that meticulous when it comes to having a better storage system for their games. It's actually part of the challenges that I have then.
  7. A lot of gamers would definitely be looking forward to the game in a big way and it's why some of them are already getting pre orders.
  8. It's the only way to get the best out of the game that you are playing by having to make out a strategy to play the game successfully.
  9. Exactly, with the kind of microtransactions used in video games today, it's definitely hard to play without adjusting your wallet.
  10. I'm not really sure if I have ever seen any video game that comes with no tutorials. Have you seen any of such games?
  11. Seriously, it's part of why I really enjoy playing about survival shooting games. I do enjoy horror too in the game.
  12. Someone mentioned Angry Joe reviews or something? Let me even check out some of his reviews and see how insightful they are.
  13. Exactly, that's why it's going to be very difficult for smartphone to be eliminated from the gaming fold that easily no matter what other platforms available.
  14. In most cases, such games can be very predictable in my opinion based on it working with a historical perspective.
  15. Yep, and it's why some of these games that are full of bugs keeps selling no matter what. Games like FIFA, Skyrim, Fallout etc.
  16. No gamer really wants to invest their time into playing that kind of video game that makes it feel like a real punishment.
  17. I have run into such gamers on more than one occasion and I really did talked the living sense into their thick skull because they are really daft.
  18. That's definitely the only best way forward if you ask me because there is no point in waiting for what would cut it for you.
  19. Yeah, it's something that I'm very familiar with because it happened with my brother as well. As much as he's rich and can afford playing on PC, he's not used to keyboard and mouse.
  20. You get the point exactly because there are some things that you would do at the time which you can't recreate but the recording saves it for you.
  21. Started out playing Forza Horizon 3 all over again. I have been looking for something unique in racing game to play and this seems to have it checked.
  22. For a kid born in the 80's, going back to this time in their gaming history would really mean a whole lot. Video games then had more value and originality than what we play today.
  23. I would want to play around with the times and do whatever you want because it's what allowing the gamers freedom to play in games means. If the historical games to be true to the times, I still want to be able to do what I want 😋.
  24. Like Capcom cares about that at all? They are all eye out for ways to keep making silly remakes that doesn't offer anything unique.
  25. I'm already speaking with a friend in US to see if he's interested in getting the chair. Although, I know he does have something similar but I'm going to try and persuade him.
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