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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I believe that mostly all horror games can actually be a very good fit that can be played during Halloween season and it can actually fit in very well.
  2. I haven't really been a motorcycle game fan for as long as I can remember. Although, I have played a little of Motor GP and that's it till today.
  3. If you rush into any battle without a prior preparation, the fight is going to bump you back off and frustration will kick in if you keep repeating the same thing. It's why I meticulously plan with a strategy before any execution.
  4. Maya in Borderlands 2, The Riddler in Batman: Arkham Knight, Mordin in Mass Effect 2 are very well represented asexually.
  5. Bulletstorm Telltales Sam & Max seasons, and Psychonauts are games that offer similar sense of humor.
  6. I can't really say for sure but I believe that call of duty game series and also battlefield have a little thing to say about the political and social situations of our time.
  7. Personally, I've had enough of toxic people to deal with when playing video games which is why I basically don't really talk to anyone and play my game and enjoy it myself alone.
  8. Well I believe that everything depends on the kind of work you're doing for the gaming industry that would make it to impact on your gaming life negatively or positively.
  9. Currently, I I don't think that any of them are doing that for now because they have all become so selfish and all eyes out on the money they can make from their games.
  10. I can't really remember the particular game but it's a video game about swimming and going to beach which is something that I really enjoy doing because it is very relaxing for me is swimming and going to beach is a very big part of my life.
  11. I've had every sort of glitch and bugs in playing FIFA games and till today it is actually the reason why I've already given up on playing the game because it is so buggy that I can't have peace playing it.
  12. When you have actually given everything that you know to be effective in eliminating the enemy and it doesn't seem to be working then it is time to take a flee and run away.
  13. What do you mean exactly by climbable ladders because I'm kind of lost completely on the subject?
  14. If you actually someone that is into stealth game you will definitely enjoy sneaking up on people and killing them but if not it is going to be one boring gaming system for you. But it's actually getting involved in games with melle battle system that I find intimidating.
  15. There are so many more than generation video games that have played ever since I started making use of my PlayStation 4. Examples of them are; Resident Evil Village, Ghost of Tishusma, RDR2, TLOU2 etc.
  16. It's Atari, Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn consoles that I can remember playing my first video games on.
  17. There are quite as few number of them but FIFA games are the ones that I hated them most, then Skyrim and Cyberpunk 2077.
  18. I used to be a very good fan of wrestling games when I was growing up but I don't really know what happened with me and that video game that I lost interest on it completely.
  19. Facebook is the last place that I'm going to check out for any kind of gaming reaction because whatever thing that they are doing under social Media platform is not that entertaining to me, so I rather prefer making use of Discord to get any kind of reactions that I want on any video game.
  20. Well it depends on the particular video game in question that I would feel compelled to complete because of how the game means something to me but anything other than that I don't really care that much.
  21. One thing that I commonly do especially with the games that I love so much is that I have posters of them and some of them also printed on my mugs and T-shirts. So it is practically how I love to display some of those games that gave me Joy.
  22. There are some people who are very picky when it comes to the kind of genre they play in video games, so it matters to them a lot because it is the kind of thing that gives them satisfaction to play.
  23. Some people who naturally have anxiety problem will always have anxiety playing a particular type of video games especially the ones that are of high intensity when it comes to its shooting and fighting.
  24. I think I prefer the graphics that what used in making the final fantasy 7 remake because it looked way more better than the original graphics in the original ff7.
  25. In most cases, I believe that some of the horror games are not really that terrifying the way they used to be; which is why I try to play most of the horror games that I do deep in the night, so that the setting of the midnight can help to intensify whatever horror effects that they used in making the video games.
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