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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Thank you very much for reminding me about that because I'm always of the habit of clicking links that I believe have good information for me but I think I should desist from doing that by now, so thank you very much once again.
  2. Some gamers find that interesting to do because they pride themselves on being the first people that actually completed the game which makes them to rush playing.
  3. That is the main reason why I personally love and appreciate praying most open-world games because it offers you so much more than the other type of video games that you can play.
  4. In most cases the reason why some gamers are not really a fan of quest markers is because of how they keep on interrupting their gameplay for something that they already know.
  5. Wow, the name of the game hell let loose actually detailed the fool concept of what the video game is all about from what I saw in the trailer it's definitely in hell that they are.
  6. It is something that is a big deal for gamers who are always in a rush to finish their game and it is not something that I find that interesting or entertaining to do.
  7. Although, I believe that there is a possibility that someone out there won't actually still be interested in playing such old arcade games but is going to be very few people.
  8. I don't really think that there is any player who would conclusively say that Dark Souls is an easy game because it is definitely not one.
  9. This is actually why before I get into playing any football or soccer game, I will always make sure that my players are well rested for the march in order to avoid them getting tired very quickly before the match finish.
  10. Seriously, with the rate of information about video games that is available on the platform makes it something that will be very beneficial for anyone who have time to go through all of them because she always going to learning something.
  11. Seriously, I keep wondering the kind of bugs and glitches that he is experiencing in his own gameplay of FIFA because mine is always ruin by it.
  12. Exactly and this is why a lot of them run away from taking part in forum discussion because they can't really be able to abide by the rules and regulations of the forum or being tackled by the moderator to stay within the line.
  13. This is actually very true because at the moment everything is very expensive which makes it very difficult for Sony to be able to offer 50% discount on the price of PlayStation 5.
  14. If his budget is something that is very close to the cost of the chair, I believe that something can easily be worked out based on the delivery fee if it's too much for him to pay for.
  15. That is actually true because the more you get to play a particular game for a very long time you are always going to get more into it than the other games that you don't play for too long.
  16. The game companies already started it in a way with the loot boxes in the games, and there is a possibility they they are not going to stop there till they make it into a full blown out gambling engine.
  17. It's the comfortability of the chair that matters most because if a chair looks so cool but not comfy enough when you seat on it, it's not a good fit.
  18. I believe that it's something that's got to do with the reason why I started playing a particular game that determines if and how it would affect my mood.
  19. It's just like what I do with some of my racing games, the maps comes in handy for helping me with navigation of the cites I'm driving through.
  20. What's this game Unpacking like? An adventure survival , strategic or shooting game?
  21. There are some games that are exclusive for particular console especially for Playstation 5. They have their reasons for doing that which they later make available for other consoles.
  22. Exactly, that's the reason why I feel like it's a good game that you can play during Christmas season to blend in with the occasion.
  23. It's the same thing with those who are more used to playing on PlayStation or Xbox consoles. They find it very hard to adjust to playing with keyboard and mouse.
  24. What's the most easiest video games that you have played currently on your Playstation 4 console or any other gaming platform?
  25. It's been a while I played Call of Duty : Cold War which comes with a high intensity shooting and dramatic setting where you get to make influencing decisions in the game end.
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