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Posts posted by Boblee

  1. 16 hours ago, Heatman said:

    I believe that most online merchants stores do that and it's not surprising that Steam offers discounts on their game products. 

    A lot of online stores offers discounts on daily basis in order to get more customers patronizing them. It's a great tool to getting customers. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Empire said:

    Wired controllers bribate far more then to wireless I do noticed more then anything else.Yet wireless is wire free 🙂 that's what I like ahout that and yet got to keep charging the battery. feels more heavy with a wireless then wired. 

    Nothing is complete in this life. If you don't want it plugged in on the console, you will have to sacrifice charging it always. 

  3. 15 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    Yeah, they simply got such ideas via fantasy movies, that will never come into reality. Because, our grand creator didn't make humans to live underworld or experience life outside earth. 

    As far as I'm concerned, it's not something that's real but a complete fiction. If it's possible, science still have a lot of prove for me to believe in it. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Empire said:

    Pretty amazing that you can pick and design your own style to fit your needs for your favorite films 🙂 Are they having a sales at the moment 😛 for back firday weekend. 

    I believe so that they are selling now, so it's very much better to buy in now that the offer of the 50% off discount is still available. 

  5. 16 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    It's a pity that forums are lacking behind social medias. The reason why, is that, at social media you have freedom to talk about anything you like. But here on forums you strictly need to adhere to the niche selection not the site and post according to guidelines. So, some persons don't like that, that's why they simply stay with social medias. I love forums than social medias, because I learn alot being with forums than social media platforms. 

    I have this feeling that it's because most new social media network that comes out depends highly on videos and it's not something that's necessarily possible on forums. 

  6. 16 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    Maybe I'll watch it too, but forgotten. I can simply go back to YouTube at my own free time to watch the trailer to see the difference in the game. 

    There is definitely no harm in doing that as long as you have the time to do so when it's very convenient for you to do so. 

  7. 16 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    You're bon point. Because it will determine if the controller is fit in for repairs or not.

    Yeah, it's why they are the tech professional that are an expert in handling the hardware. Let them do the job before you decide. 

  8. 9 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    While the world is too obsessed with technology, the real world isn’t going anywhere. Until we finally destroy the environment and render the earth completely uninhabitable, there’s no plausible chance of it happening.

    Haha, I still love the earth even with all the craziness that's been going on here. I can't even comprehend going to Mars yet. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Kane99 said:

    I think it depends on the game. I think these days, I'm more used to regenerating health, probably because of games like COD. But I also enjoy games where you have to be extra careful and have to find health in the world or scavenge for it. But, I think it's more of a challenge with having to keep track of your health. 

    For me, I don't mind either. But I like when regen health makes sense, like in games where it has a purpose. Maybe it's in a mech suit, or something along those lines. But if it's like COD, I think it becomes a bit lazy. But, they have changed it up recently where you can use medkits I think. 

    Yeah, you're very correct. Most gamers don't really mind lately as it's more like a common thing for them whether the health regenerate or they find health packs for it. 

  10. On 11/26/2021 at 12:16 AM, Justin11 said:

    It's encouraging that you've learned and mastered the difficult part of the game which means you can at least play freely and pose a real threat to your AI enemies. 

    It was never an easy job to learn that and I did on the hard way because I also lost my sanity trying to beat the game. 

  11. On 11/26/2021 at 12:19 AM, Justin11 said:

    I recently went to a beer parlour, find out that I'm the only person at the place at that particular time, I felt crazy, I quickly asked the waitress there what happened that everywhere is dried up and she replied me that; as the place is quiet, don't I like it? If I love a noisy and busy environment? lol, I was speechless, I simply have to relax like that. 

    I would easily fall asleep being in such a place that I want to have a few drinks. It's why I really enjoy the pubs here. 

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